Смотреть что такое "crip" в других словарях:
Crip — may refer to: Crips, a street gang in the United States Crip (software), a Perl script designed to facilitate CD ripping Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, a Class I railroad in the United States Shortened form of the word cripple This… … Wikipedia
Crip — member of a major U.S. street gang, founded in South Central Los Angeles 1971, the name supposedly originally was cribs, partly a reference to the youth of most of the original members, and when they began carrying pimp canes it was altered to… … Etymology dictionary
crip — s.n. v. creep. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
crip — as·crip·tion; crip·ple·dom; crip·ple·ment; crip·pler; bro·mo·crip·tine; crip; crip·ple; crip·pling·ly; … English syllables
crip — I. ˈkrip noun ( s) Etymology: by shortening : cripple often taken to be offensive II. adjective : such as a cripple could perform : easy a crip course … Useful english dictionary
Crip Walk — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Una foto de alguien bailando C Walk, haciendo el stepback con heeltoe. El Crip Walk o C Walk, es un continuo movimiento de pies, usado para explicar detalladamente imágenes y símbolos relacionados con gángsters. Se… … Wikipedia Español
Crip walk — Le Crip Walk (abrégé en C Walk) est une danse consistant à faire des V avec les pieds. Elle tire son origine d une danse codifiée par les membres des Crips, un gang de rue de Los Angeles. Le C Walk est né dans les années 1970 dans le South… … Wikipédia en Français
crip (software) — crip Original author(s) Charlton Harrison Stable release 3.9 / October 8, 2007 Operating system Unix like … Wikipedia
Crip Hop — Studio album by Jayo Felony Released October 23, 2001 Genre … Wikipedia
crip´pler — crip|ple «KRIHP uhl», noun, adjective, verb, pled, pling. –n. 1. a person or animal that cannot use his legs, arms, or body properly because of injury, deformity, or lack; lame person or animal: »Long John Silver was a cripple who limped on a… … Useful english dictionary
crip|ple — «KRIHP uhl», noun, adjective, verb, pled, pling. –n. 1. a person or animal that cannot use his legs, arms, or body properly because of injury, deformity, or lack; lame person or animal: »Long John Silver was a cripple who limped on a wooden leg.… … Useful english dictionary