Смотреть что такое "crinite" в других словарях:
Crinite — Cri nite (kr? n?t), a. [L. crinitus, p. p. of crinire to provide or cover with hair, fr. crinis hair.] 1. Having the appearance of a tuft of hair; having a hairlike tail or train. Comate, crinite, caudate stars. Fairfax. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.)… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
crinite — [krī′nīt΄] adj. [L crinitus, pp. of crinire, to provide with hair < crinis, hair; akin to L crista: see CREST] 1. hairy 2. Bot. having hairy tufts … English World dictionary
crinite — adj. [L. crinitus, hairy] Having hair or hair like growths … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
crinite — crinite1 /kruy nuyt/, adj. 1. hairy. 2. Bot., Entomol. having long hairs, or tufts of long, fine or limp hairs. [1590 1600; < L crinitus, equiv. to crin(is) hair + itus ITE2] crinite2 /kruy nuyt, krin uyt/, n. a fossil crinoid. [ < Gk krín(on)… … Universalium
crinite — see CREST … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
crinite — cri·nite … English syllables
crinite — I. /ˈkraɪnaɪt/ (say kruynuyt) adjective 1. hairy. 2. Botany, Entomology having long hairs, or tufts of long, weak hairs. {Latin crīnītus, past participle, provided with hair} II. /ˈkraɪnaɪt/ (say kruynuyt), /ˈkrɪnaɪt/ (say krinuyt) noun a fossil… …
crinite — see CREST … Word origins
crinite — I. ˈkrīˌnīt, riˌ adjective Etymology: Latin crinitus, past participle of crinire to provide with hair, from crinis hair : covered or provided with hairy growths : like hair or a hair II. noun ( s) Etymology … Useful english dictionary
Crinital — Cri ni*tal (kr? n? tal), a. Same as {Crinite}, 1. [1913 Webster] He the star crinital adoreth. Stanyhurst. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
The Nevada Sagebrush — The Nevada a Sagebrush Type Weekly newspaper Format Broadsheet Publisher Associated Students of the University of Nevada Editor Juan Lopez (2011 present) Founded 1893 Language … Wikipedia