crimped fiber
Смотреть что такое "crimped fiber" в других словарях:
Fiber — For other uses, see Fiber (disambiguation). A bundle of optical fibers Fiber (also spelled fibre) is a class of materials that are continuous filaments or are in discrete elongated pieces, similar to lengths of thread. They are very important in… … Wikipedia
Animal fiber — Animal fibers are natural fibers that consist largely of particular proteins. Instances are silk, hair/fur (including wool) and feathers. The most commonly used type of animal fiber is hair. Not all animal fibers have the same properties. Alpaca… … Wikipedia
Colnago — is a manufacturer of high end road racing bicycles founded by Ernesto Colnago in 1954 near Milano in Cambiago, Italy. Instead of following his family s farming business Ernesto Colnago chose to work in the cycle trade, apprenticing first with… … Wikipedia
Modular connector — This article is about modular connectors. For the registered jack (RJ) wiring standard, see registered jack. Left to right, modular connectors: 8P8C plug, 6P6C plug, 6P4C plug, 4P4C plug, 6P6C jack … Wikipedia
Oat — This article is about the common cereal. For other uses, see Oat (disambiguation). Oats redirects here. It may mean either the common cereal oat discussed here, or any cultivated or wild species of the genus Avena. Oat Oat plants with in … Wikipedia
Drum (container) — A standard, 55 US gallon / 44 Imperial gallon drum. A drum is a cylindrical container used for shipping bulk cargo. Drums can be made of steel, dense paperboard (commonly called a fiber drum), or plastics, and are generally used for the… … Wikipedia
Bicycle frame — Steel frame of 2000 LeMond Zurich road racing bicycle mounted in a work stand … Wikipedia
Wool — is the fiber derived from the specialized skin cells, called follicles, [Australian Wool Corporation, Australian Wool Classing, Raw Wool Services, 1990] of animals in the Caprinae family, principally sheep, but the hair of certain species of… … Wikipedia
Rayon — is a manufactured regenerated cellulosic fiber. Rayon is produced from naturally occurring polymers and therefore it is not a truly synthetic fiber, nor is it a natural fiber. It is known by the names viscose rayon and art silk in the textile… … Wikipedia
Crimplene — Part of Crimple Valley, near Harrogate, after which the fabric was named. Crimplene (polyester) is a thick yarn used to make a fabric of the same name. The resulting cloth is heavy, wrinkle resistant and retains its shape well. Britain s defunct… … Wikipedia
Textile — For other uses, see Textile (disambiguation). Fabric redirects here. For other uses, see Fabric (disambiguation). Sunday textile market on the sidewalks of Karachi, Pakistan … Wikipedia