Смотреть что такое "cribbage-board" в других словарях:
Cribbage board — Cribbage Crib bage (kr?b ?j), n. [From {Crib}, v. t., 2.] A game of cards, played by two or four persons, in which there is a crib. (See {Crib}, 11.) It is characterized by a great variety of chances. [1913 Webster] A man s fancy would be summed… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cribbage Board — Cribbage A device for scoring utilizing pegs … The official rules of card games glossary
cribbage-board — cribbˈage board noun A scoring board for cribbage, with holes for pegs • • • Main Entry: ↑cribbage … Useful english dictionary
cribbage board — noun a board with pegs and regularly spaced holes for holding the pegs; used for keeping the score in a game of cribbage • Hypernyms: ↑board, ↑gameboard … Useful english dictionary
cribbage board — a board for keeping score in cribbage, having holes into which pegs are placed to mark the score and progress of the players. [1775 85] * * * … Universalium
cribbage board — /ˈkrɪbɪdʒ bɔd/ (say kribij bawd) noun a board with numbered holes in rows, into which pegs may be inserted to indicate the score in a cribbage game …
cribbage board — noun The surface on which cribbage is played … Wiktionary
Cribbage (strategy) — Cribbage, or crib, is a card game where points are scored for holding certain combinations of cards and for playing the cards in a certain order. Contents 1 Strategy 1.1 Throwing your hand 1.2 Throwing defensively to the crib … Wikipedia
Cribbage — Crib bage (kr?b ?j), n. [From {Crib}, v. t., 2.] A game of cards, played by two or four persons, in which there is a crib. (See {Crib}, 11.) It is characterized by a great variety of chances. [1913 Webster] A man s fancy would be summed up in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cribbage — jeu de société {{{licence}}} Format jeu de cartes Mécanisme stratégie … Wikipédia en Français
cribbage — [krib′ij΄] n. [< CRIB + AGE] a card game for two players that can be played by three or four, in which the object is to form various combinations that count for points: the score is traditionally kept by moving pegs on a small board (cribbage… … English World dictionary