- crenel
- ˈkrenəl = crenelle (архитектура) амбразура crenel =crenelle crenel =crenelle crenelle: crenelle архит. амбразура
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
crenel — CRENÉL, creneluri, s.n. 1. Fiecare dintre deschizăturile înguste, făcute din loc în loc, în partea superioară a parapetului unui turn de apărare, a unui castel sau a unei cetăţi medievale, prin care se aruncau proiectilele asupra inamicului. 2.… … Dicționar Român
crenel — open space on an embattlement, early 14c., from O.Fr. crenel (12c.), apparently a dim. of cren notch (see CRANNY (Cf. cranny)) … Etymology dictionary
Crenel — Cre*nel (kr? n?l ), n. See {Crenelle}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
crenel — [kri nel′kren′əl] n. [OFr, dim. < VL crena, a notch: see CRENATE] any of the indentations or loopholes in the top of a battlement or wall; embrasure: also crenelle [kri nel′] vt. creneled or crenelled, creneling or crenelling to crenelate … English World dictionary
Crenel — Crenelle Cre*nelle , Crenel Cre*nel (kr? n?l ), n. [OF. crenel, F. cr?neau, LL. crenellus, kernellus, dim. (prob.) fr. L. crena notch. See {Crenny}.] 1. An embrasure or indentation in a battlement; a loophole in a fortress; an indentation; a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Crenel — The space between *merlons, the indentation where soldier or archer had some protection; the gap of the gap toothed look. [< OldFr. crenel = a notch < Lat. crena = a serration, notch] Cf. Ajoure … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
crenel — n. (also crenelle) an indentation or gap in the parapet of a tower, castle, etc., orig. for shooting through etc. Etymology: ME f. OF crenel, ult. f. pop.L crena notch … Useful english dictionary
crenel — /kren l/, n., v., creneled, creneling or (esp. Brit.) crenelled, crenelling. n. 1. any of the open spaces between the merlons of a battlement. See illus. under battlement. 2. a crenature. v.t. 3. to crenelate. Also, crenelle /kri nel /. [1475 85; … Universalium
crenel — noun The space between merlons in a crenelated battlement … Wiktionary
crenél — s. n., pl. crenéluri … Romanian orthography
crenel — cren·el || krenl n. crenature, notch, space or opening in a battlement (also crenelle) … English contemporary dictionary