- crematory
- ˈkremətərɪ = crematorium крематорий crematory =crematorium
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Crematory — группа Crematory … Википедия
Crematory — Pays d’origine Allemagne Genre musical Gothic metal Death metal Metal industriel Années d activité … Wikipédia en Français
Crematory — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Crematory es un grupo de metal gótico/death metal formado en Mannheim, Alemania en 1991. Su sonido se caracteriza básicamente por riffs duros, un contraste entre voces guturales voces limpias y notas de teclado.… … Wikipedia Español
Crematory — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Gothic Metal Gründung 1991 Website http://www.crematory.de/ … Deutsch Wikipedia
Crematory — Crem a*to*ry, a. Pertaining to, or employed in, cremation. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
crematory — 1876 (n.), 1884 (adj.), the nativized form of crematorium (see CREMATION (Cf. cremation)) … Etymology dictionary
crematory — [krē΄mə tôrē əm] n. [ModL crematorium] 1. a furnace for cremating dead bodies 2. a building with such a furnace in it: Also crematorium [krē΄mə tôrē əm] n. crematoriums [krē′mə tôr΄ē əm ] also [krem′ə tôr΄ē əm] crematoria [krē′mə tôr΄ē … English World dictionary
Crematory — For the gothic metal band, see Crematory (band). A crematory (also known as a cremator or retort) is a machine in which cremation takes place. Crematories are usually found in funeral homes, cemeteries, or in stand alone facilities. A facility… … Wikipedia
Crematory — Crematorium Crem a*to ri*um (kr?m ? t? r? ?m), Crematory Crem a*to*ry (kr?m ? t? r?), n.; pl. {Crematoriums} ( [u^]mz), {Crematories} ( r?z). [NL. crematorium, fr. L. cremator.] A furnace for cremating corpses; a building containing such a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
crematory — noun (plural ries) Date: 1876 a furnace for cremating; also an establishment containing such a furnace • crematory adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
crematory — cre·ma·to·ry krē mə .tōr ē, krem ə , .tȯr n, pl ries a furnace for cremating also an establishment containing such a furnace crematory adj … Medical dictionary