Смотреть что такое "cremation" в других словарях:
Cremation — Crémation Procession de crémation à Bali en Indonésie La crémation est une technique funéraire visant à brûler et réduire en cendres le corps d un être humain mort. Les cendres peuvent ensuite faire l objet d un rituel, comme être conservées dans … Wikipédia en Français
Cremation — • The custom of burning the bodies of the dead Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Cremation Cremation † … Catholic encyclopedia
crémation — [ kremasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIIIe, rare av. 1823; lat. crematio, de cremare « brûler » ♦ Action de brûler le corps des morts. ⇒ incinération; crématorium. ● crémation nom féminin (latin crematio, onis, de cremare, brûler) Incinération, destruction des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cremation — Cre*ma tion (kr? m? sh?n), n. [L. crematio.] A burning; esp., the act or practice of cremating the dead. [1913 Webster] Without cremation . . . of their bodies. Sir T. Browne. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cremation — 1620s, from L. cremationem (nom. crematio), noun of action from pp. stem of cremare to burn, consume by fire (also used of the dead), from PIE *krem , extended form of root *ker heat, fire (see CARBON (Cf. carbon)) … Etymology dictionary
Cremation — A Hindu Cremation in India P … Wikipedia
Crémation — Tour de crémation rituelle balinaise (Wadah) de Goesti Djilantik régent de Karangasem (Indonésie), en 1926 … Wikipédia en Français
cremation — See cremate. * * * Disposing of a corpse by burning. In the ancient world cremation took place on an open pyre. It was practiced by the Greeks (who considered it suitable for heroes and war dead) and the Romans (among whom it became a status… … Universalium
CREMATION — Disposal of the dead body by burning is not a Jewish custom and inhumation is considered by traditional Jews to be obligatory and a religious commandment. The passage in Deuteronomy (21:23) his body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
CREMATION — The dominant mode of funerary rite in central Italy during the Bronze Age and early Iron Age, where the body was burned on a funerary pyre. A number of sophisticated studies have been able to separate this ceremony into a series of phases of… … Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans
cremation — This word (from the Latin cremare, meaning to burn ) refers to the disposal of a human body by burning it to ashes; some world religions cremate corpses as a matter of belief and practice; the Roman Catholic Church permits cremation as long as … Glossary of theological terms