creeping eruption

creeping eruption
(медицина) ползучая сыпь (ветеринарное) разлитой дерматит

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "creeping eruption" в других словарях:

  • creeping eruption — n. a skin eruption with intense itching, caused by the burrowing of various larvae under the skin …   English World dictionary

  • creeping eruption — noun : a human skin disorder that is characterized by a red line of eruption which fades at one end as it progresses at the other and that is usually caused by insect or worm larvae and especially those of the dog hookworm burrowing in the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • creeping eruption — creep·ing eruption krē piŋ n a human skin disorder that is characterized by a red line of eruption which fades at one end as it progresses at the other and that is usu. caused by insect or worm larvae and esp. those of the dog hookworm burrowing… …   Medical dictionary

  • creeping eruption — noun Date: 1926 a skin disorder marked by a spreading red line of eruption and caused especially by larvae (as of hookworms not normally parasitic in humans) burrowing beneath the human skin …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • creeping eruption — Pathol. a skin disorder caused by the burrowing of dog or cat hookworm larvae under the dermal tissue and manifested as a progressing red streak. [1925 30] * * * …   Universalium

  • Creeping eruption — Larva migrans (fachsprachlich); Hautmaulwurf …   Universal-Lexikon

  • creeping eruption — larva migrans a skin disease caused either by larvae of certain nematode worms (e.g. Ancylostoma braziliense) normally parasitic in dogs and cats or by the maggots of certain flies (see Hypoderma, Gasterophilus). The larvae burrow within the skin …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Синдром ""Блуждающей Личинки"" Кожный (Creeping Eruption, Larva Migrans) — кожное заболевание, вызываемое личинками или взрослыми нематодами (например, Ancylostoma braziliense), паразитирующими обычно на собаках и кошках, или личинками некоторых видов мух (см. Hypoderma, Gasterophilus). Личинки делают ходы в коже… …   Медицинские термины

  • eruption — 1. A breaking out, especially the appearance of lesions on the skin. 2. A rapidly developing dermatosis of the skin or mucous membranes, especially when appearing as a local manifestation of one of the exanthemata; an e. is characterized,… …   Medical dictionary

  • creeping disease — 1. see under eruption. 2. the cutaneous symptoms of gnathostomiasis …   Medical dictionary

  • creepingeruption — creeping eruption n. A human skin disease caused by hookworm or roundworm larvae burrowing and creeping beneath the skin and characterized by eruptions in the form of progressing reddish lines. * * * …   Universalium

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