- credit balance of an account
- кредитовое сальдо по счету
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
credit balance — noun 1. The value of a liability or equity account (bookkeeping) 2. An amount standing to someone s benefit, eg in a bank account • • • Main Entry: ↑credit … Useful english dictionary
credit balance — The surplus in a cash account with a broker after purchases have been paid for, plus the extra cash from the sale of securities. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * credit balance credit balance ➔ balance1 * * * credit balance UK US noun [C] … Financial and business terms
Credit Balance — In a margin account, the amount of funds deposited in the customer s account following the successful execution of a short sale order. The credit balance amount includes both the proceeds of the short sale itself and the specified margin amount… … Investment dictionary
credit balance — / kredɪt ˌbæləns/ noun a balance in an account showing that more money has been received than is owed ● The account has a credit balance of £100 … Dictionary of banking and finance
credit balance — remainder of credit in a bank account after the debits have been removed … English contemporary dictionary
Free Credit Balance — The cash held by a broker in a customer s margin account that can be withdrawn by the customer at any time without restriction. This balance is calculated as the total remaining money in a margin account after margin requirements, short sale… … Investment dictionary
credit balance — A balancing amount of an account in which the total of credit entries exceeds the total of debit entries. Credit balances represent revenue, liabilities, or capital … Accounting dictionary
credit balance — A balancing amount of an account in which the total of credit entries exceeds the total of debit entries. Credit balances represent revenue, liabilities, or capital … Big dictionary of business and management
credit balance — In accounting, the status of an account when the sum of the credit entries exceeds the sum of the debit entries … Black's law dictionary
credit balance — In accounting, the status of an account when the sum of the credit entries exceeds the sum of the debit entries … Black's law dictionary
balance — or Balance [bal′əns] n. [ME & OFr, prob. via ML < VL * bilancia < LL bilanx, having two scales < L bis, twice + lanx, a dish, scale < IE * elek , extended stem of base * el , to bend > ELBOW] 1. an instrument for weighing, esp. one … English World dictionary