creation of resources

creation of resources
формирование резервов

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "creation of resources" в других словарях:

  • Creation science — or scientific creationism is a movement within creationism which attempts to use scientific means to disprove the accepted scientific theories on the history of the Earth, cosmology and biological evolution and prove the Genesis account of… …   Wikipedia

  • Creation according to Genesis — refers to the Hebrew narrative of the creation of the heavens and the earth as told in chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis, the first book of the Pentateuch. The text The modern division of the Bible into chapters dates from c.1200 AD, and the division… …   Wikipedia

  • Creation-evolution controversy — The creation evolution controversy (also termed the creation vs. evolution debate or the origins debate) is a recurring political dispute about the origins of the Earth, humanity, life, and the universe, [See harvnb|Hovind|2006, for example.]… …   Wikipedia

  • Creation–evolution controversy — A satirical cartoon from 1882, parodying Darwin s theory of evolution, in response to the publication of The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms. The creation–evolution controversy (also termed the creation vs. evolution… …   Wikipedia

  • Creation Science — Creationism can also refer to creation myths, or to a concept about the origin of the soul. For the movement in Spanish literature, see Creacionismo. Part of a series on Creationism …   Wikipedia

  • Creation and evolution in public education — Part of a series on Creationism History of creationism Neo creationism …   Wikipedia

  • Création musicale assistée par ordinateur — Musique assistée par ordinateur La musique assistée par ordinateur (MAO) regroupe l ensemble des utilisations de l informatique comme outil associé à la chaîne de création musicale depuis la composition musicale jusqu à la diffusion des œuvres,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Open educational resources — (OER) are digital materials that can be re used for teaching, learning, research and more, made available for free through open licenses, which allow uses of the materials that would not be easily permitted under copyright alone.[1] As a mode for …   Wikipedia

  • Water resources management in Colombia — Colombia has a long and well established framework for water resources management. Water resources availability per capita in Colombia was 45,408 cubic meters in 2007, way above the world’s average of 8,209. The country is particularly prone to… …   Wikipedia

  • Water Resources Development Act of 1992 — The Water Resources Development Act of 1992 (WRDA 1992), USPL|102|580, was enacted by Congress of the United States on October 31, 1992. [ [ bin/bdquery/D?d102:1:./temp/ bdMCKV:@@@D summ2=m |/bss/d102query.html||Public… …   Wikipedia

  • Water resources management in Brazil — The 1988 Constitution established a distinction between federally controlled water, for rivers, lakes, and lagoons across state boundaries (article 20), and state controlled water, for rivers and groundwater that remain completely within state… …   Wikipedia

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