Смотреть что такое "creamed" в других словарях:
creamed — «kreemd», adjective. 1. having the cream formed or separated. 2. made, flavored, or mixed with cream … Useful english dictionary
creamed — 1. mod. beaten; outscored. □ We were really creamed in that last game, and the coach is steamed. □ Midwest U. got creamed again today by the Podunk Badgers. 2. mod. alcohol intoxicated. □ Man, Tony is totally creamed! … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Creamed — The Creamed project, set up by the EGTC Euroregion Pyrenees Mediterranean, focuses on creating synergies between business incubators of the regions of Midi Pyrénées, Languedoc Roussillon, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. The project was… … Wikipedia
creamed — взбитый creamed mass взбитая масса creamed mixture взбитая смесь … English-Russian travelling dictionary
Creamed — Cream Cream, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Creamed} (kr?md); p. pr. & vb. n. {Creaming}.] 1. To skim, or take off by skimming, as cream. [1913 Webster] 2. To take off the best or choicest part of. [1913 Webster] 3. To furnish with, or as with, cream.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
creamed — adjective Badly beaten; lost by a considerable margin. The other team was so good! We were creamed, and rightly so … Wiktionary
Creamed — Le projet Creamed s’inscrit dans un double contexte : celui des pépinières d’entreprises et celui de la construction de l Eurorégion Pyrénées Méditerranée. Sommaire 1 Le programme 2 Les objectifs 3 Les partenaires 3.1 L … Wikipédia en Français
creamed — adj. Creamed is used with these nouns: ↑corn … Collocations dictionary
Creamed coconut — is a coconut product. It is the unsweetened dehydrated fresh meat of a mature coconut ground to a semi solid white creamy paste. It is sold in the form of a hard white block which can be stored at room temperature. It has an intense coconut… … Wikipedia
Creamed eggs on toast — is a breakfast dish in the United States. It consists of toast or biscuits covered in a gravy made from bechamel sauce and chopped hard boiled eggs. The gravy is often flavored with black pepper. Recipes Recipe on Recipe on… … Wikipedia
Creamed corn — A bowl of creamed corn Creamed corn (which is also known by other names, such as cream style corn ) is a soup or sauce made by melting butter and adding flour, milk, canned corn, and optionally some spices. It is a common part of Midwestern… … Wikipedia