Смотреть что такое "craniocerebral" в других словарях:
craniocerebral — adjective Date: 1876 involving both cranium and brain < craniocerebral injury > … New Collegiate Dictionary
craniocerebral — Relating to the skull and the brain. * * * cra·nio·ce·re·bral .krā nē ō sə rē brəl, ser ə adj involving both cranium and brain <craniocerebral injury> * * * cra·nio·cer·e·bral (kra″ne o serґə brəl) pertaining to the cranium… … Medical dictionary
craniocerebral — |krānēō, nēə+ adjective Etymology: crani + cerebral : involving both cranium and brain a craniocerebral wound … Useful english dictionary
craniocerebral — /kray nee oh seuh ree breuhl, ser euh /, adj. pertaining to or involving both cerebrum and cranium. [1900 05; CRANIO + CEREBRAL] * * * … Universalium
craniocerebral — cra·ni·o·cerebral … English syllables
Piracetam — Systematic (IUPAC) name 2 oxo 1 pyrrolidineacetamide Clinical data … Wikipedia
Skull fracture — Classification and external resources A piece of a skull with a depressed skull fracture ICD 10 S02 ICD … Wikipedia
Fracture — Pour les articles homonymes, voir fracture (homonymie). Exemple de fracture des os de l avant bras, et réparation (Plaques et vis) En traumatologie, le terme de fracture désigne par défini … Wikipédia en Français
Fracture osseuse — Fracture Pour les articles homonymes, voir fracture (homonymie). Exemple de fracture des os de l avant bras, et réparation (Plaques et vis) En traumatol … Wikipédia en Français
Seizure — Uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain, which may produce a physical convulsion, minor physical signs, thought disturbances, or a combination of symptoms. The type of symptoms and seizures depend on where the abnormal electrical activity… … Medical dictionary
JonBenét Ramsey — Born JonBenét Patricia Ramsey August 6, 1990(1990 08 06) Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. Died December 25, 199 … Wikipedia