Crambo — is an old rhyming game which, according to Strutt,[1] was played as early as the fourteenth century under the name of the ABC of Aristotle. It is also known as Capping the rhyme. The name may also be used to describe a doggerel poem which… … Wikipedia
Crambo — Cram bo ( b[ o]), n. [Cf. {Cramp}, a., difficult.] 1. A game in which one person gives a word, to which another finds a rhyme. [1913 Webster] I saw in one corner . . . a cluster of men and women, diverting themselves with a game at crambo. I… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
crambo — s. m. [Entomologia] Inseto lepidóptero pirálide … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
crambo — [kram′bō΄] n. [< ? L crambe, cabbage (as in crambe repetita, lit., cabbage repeatedly served, hence repeated story, old tale) < Gr krambē] an old game in which players find rhymes for words or lines of verse given by each other … English World dictionary
crambo — /kram boh/, n., pl. cramboes. 1. a game in which one person or side must find a rhyme to a word or a line of verse given by another. 2. inferior rhyme. [1600 10; earlier crambe < L crambe repetita phrase used by Juvenal in reference to… … Universalium
crambo — n. game in which a rhyme has to be found to a given word. ♦ dumb crambo, form of crambo in which rhyming words are acted in dumb show … Dictionary of difficult words
crambo clink — noun or crambo jingle Scotland : doggerel, crambo … Useful english dictionary
crambo-jingle — cramˈboclink or crambo jinˈgle noun (Burns) Rhyming doggerel • • • Main Entry: ↑crambo … Useful english dictionary
crambo jingle — noun see crambo clink … Useful english dictionary
crambo — noun (plural cramboes) Etymology: alteration of earlier crambe, from Latin, cabbage, from Greek krambē Date: 1660 a game in which one player gives a word or line of verse to be matched in rhyme by other players … New Collegiate Dictionary
crambo — noun A guessing game in which players guess words that rhyme with a clue word, seeking a word that is kept secret or concealed … Wiktionary