Смотреть что такое "coyote" в других словарях:
Coyote J — (born Jim Battan in NYC) is a radio disc jockey known for his screamo, wild child 7 12 midnight show in the 1970s at WERC, a Birmingham TOP 40, and later at CHR Z 102 (WZBQ) in the 1980s. For 30 years he has been a popular personality in… … Wikipedia
COYOTE — COYOTE, or Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics, is a sex worker activist organization. COYOTE s goals include the decriminalization (as opposed to the legalization) of prostitution, pimping and pandering, as well as the elimination of social stigma… … Wikipedia
coyote — [ kɔjɔt ] n. m. • av. 1864; aztèque coyotl ♦ Mammifère carnivore d Amérique du Nord, voisin du chacal (canidés). Coyote des prairies, du désert. ● coyote nom masculin (espagnol coyote, du nahuatl coyot) Mammifère carnivore d Amérique du Nord,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Coyote — bezeichnet eine in Nordamerika verbreitete Wildhundart, siehe Kojote den Künstlernamen des amerikanischen Schauspielers Robert Peter Cohon, siehe Peter Coyote einen mexikanischen Fußballspieler, siehe Alberto Coyote Orte in den Vereinigten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
coyote — 1759, Amer.Eng., from Mexican Sp. coyote, from Nahuatl coyotl … Etymology dictionary
coyote — sustantivo masculino 1. (macho y hembra) Canis latrans. Mamífero americano parecido al lobo pero más pequeño y muy veloz, que se alimenta de roedores y de animales muertos: El coyote suele habitar en cuevas aislado, por parejas o en manadas. 2.… … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
coyote — ☆ coyote [kī ōt′ē, kī′ōt΄ ] n. pl. coyotes or coyote [AmSp < Nahuatl koyo:λ] 1. a wild animal (Canis latrans) of the dog family, native to the North American plains: it resembles a small wolf 2. Slang a smuggler of illegal aliens from Mexico… … English World dictionary
Coyote — Coy o*te (k? ? t? or k? ?t), n. [Spanish Amer., fr. Mexican coyotl.] (Zo[ o]l.) A carnivorous animal ({Canis latrans}), allied to the dog, found in the western part of North America; called also {prairie wolf}. Its voice is a snapping bark,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Coyote — Coyote, s. Heulwolf und Tafel: Amerikanische Tierwelt, 12; auch eine Art Mischlinge in Amerika … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
COYOTE — Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations … Law dictionary
coyote — /sp. koˈjote/ [vc. sp., dall azteco coyotl «sciacallo»] s. m. inv. (zool.) cane delle praterie, lupo della steppa … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione