cowl engine
Смотреть что такое "cowl engine" в других словарях:
Cowl — (koul), n. [AS. cuhle, cugle, cugele; cf. dial. G. kogel, gugel, OF. coule, goule; all fr. LL. cuculla, cucullus, fr. L. cucullus cap, hood; perh. akin to celare to conceal, cella cell. Cf. {Cucullate}.] 1. A monk s hood; usually attached to the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Engine Sentai Go-onger — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Engine Sentai Go Onger Título original Engine Sentai Go onger Español Escuadrón Motorizado Go onger Género Drama Juvenil de Ciencia Ficción F … Wikipedia Español
Engine Sentai Go-onger — Titre original 炎神戦隊ゴーオンジャー Translittération Enjin Sentai Gō Onjā Genre Sentai Pays d’origine Japon Chaîne d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
cowl|ing — «KOW lihng», noun. 1. a metal covering over the engine of an aircraft; cowl. The cowling may be removed. 2. a similar part forming a continuous surface with the fuselage or the wing … Useful english dictionary
engine air-inlet vortex destroyer — A small jetstream directed downward from the leading edge of the nose cowl to the ground to destroy the swirling vortex base. When gas turbine engines are operating on the ground, an engine air inlet vortex can sometimes form between the engine… … Aviation dictionary
cowl flaps — The movable flaps located at the exit of the cowling that houses an air cooled reciprocating engine. The amount of cooling air is controlled by opening or closing the cowl flaps … Aviation dictionary
engine ring cowl — A ring shaped cowling over the cylinders of a radial engine to give it a streamlined shape and to improve airflow through the engine … Aviation dictionary
cowl/cowling — A covering surrounding the whole, or part, of an engine or a power unit installed on the aircraft. It is either hinged or otherwise removable. Cowls minimize drag and help cool the engine … Aviation dictionary
cowl — [1] The part of the vehicle body between the engine firewall and the front of the dashpanel. It usually houses the instruments and the plenumchamber for the heater ventilation system. The British term is scuttle. [2] The part of the bodywork… … Dictionary of automotive terms
cowl — n. 1 a the hood of a monk s habit. b a loose hood. c a monk s hooded habit. 2 the hood shaped covering of a chimney or ventilating shaft. 3 the removable cover of a vehicle or aircraft engine. Derivatives: cowled adj. (in sense 1). Etymology: OE… … Useful english dictionary
cowl·ing — /ˈkaʊlıŋ/ noun, pl ings [count] : a metal covering for the engine of an airplane … Useful english dictionary