covering homotopy

covering homotopy
мат. накрывающая гомотопия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "covering homotopy" в других словарях:

  • Homotopy lifting property — In mathematics, in particular in homotopy theory within algebraic topology, the homotopy lifting property (also known as the right lifting property or the covering homotopy axiom) is a technical condition on a continuous function from a… …   Wikipedia

  • Covering space — A covering map satisfies the local triviality condition. Intuitively, such maps locally project a stack of pancakes above an open region, U, onto U. In mathematics, more specifically algebraic topology, a covering map is a continuous surjective… …   Wikipedia

  • Covering group — This article is about topological covering group. For algebraic covering group, see universal perfect central extension. In mathematics, a covering group of a topological group H is a covering space G of H such that G is a topological group and… …   Wikipedia

  • Fundamental group — In mathematics, the fundamental group is one of the basic concepts of algebraic topology. Associated with every point of a topological space there is a fundamental group that conveys information about the 1 dimensional structure of the portion of …   Wikipedia

  • Orthogonal group — Group theory Group theory …   Wikipedia

  • Identical particles — Statistical mechanics Thermodynamics · …   Wikipedia

  • Monodromy — In mathematics, monodromy is the study of how objects from mathematical analysis, algebraic topology and algebraic and differential geometry behave as they run round a singularity. As the name implies, the fundamental meaning of monodromy comes… …   Wikipedia

  • Nerve (category theory) — In category theory, the nerve N(C) of a small category C is a simplicial set constructed from the objects and morphisms of C. The geometric realization of this simplicial set is a topological space, called the classifying space of the category C …   Wikipedia

  • Real projective space — In mathematics, real projective space, or RP n is the projective space of lines in R n +1. It is a compact, smooth manifold of dimension n , and a special case of a Grassmannian.ConstructionAs with all projective spaces, RP n is formed by taking… …   Wikipedia

  • CW complex — In topology, a CW complex is a type of topological space introduced by J. H. C. Whitehead to meet the needs of homotopy theory. This class of spaces is broader and has some better categorical properties than simplicial complexes, but still… …   Wikipedia

  • Seifert–van Kampen theorem — In mathematics, the Seifert–van Kampen theorem of algebraic topology, sometimes just called van Kampen s theorem, expresses the structure of the fundamental group of a topological space X, in terms of the fundamental groups of two open, path… …   Wikipedia

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