- cover a loss
- покрыть убытки, взять на себя потерю
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
cover against loss — index insure Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Cover — The purchase of a contract to offset a previously established short position. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. cover cov‧er 1 [ˈkʌvə ǁ ər] noun [uncountable] 1. INSURANCE insurance against losing something or suffering damage,… … Financial and business terms
cover — Used to indicate the repurchase of previously sold contracts as, he covered his short position. Short covering is synonymous with liquidating a short position or evening up a short position. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary The amount above… … Financial and business terms
cover — cov·er 1 vt 1: insure this policy cover s other family drivers 2: to give protection against or compensation or indemnification for doesn t cover flood damage vi: to obtain cover … Law dictionary
cover — [kuv′ər] vt. [ME coveren < OFr covrir < L cooperire < co , intens. + operire, to hide < IE * op wer , to cover < * op(i) , back, against + * wer, to cover, protect > WARN] 1. to place something on, over, or in front of, so as to … English World dictionary
Loss ratio — in insurance is the ratio of total losses paid out in claims plus adjustment expenses divided by the total earned premiums. [Harvey Rubin, Dictionary of Insurance Terms, 4th Ed. Baron s Educational Series, 2000] If an insurance company, for… … Wikipedia
cover — ► VERB 1) put something over or in front of (someone or something) so as to protect or conceal. 2) spread or extend over. 3) deal with. 4) travel (a specified distance). 5) (of money) be enough to pay for. 6) (of insurance) protect against a… … English terms dictionary
cover — coverable, adj. coverer, n. coverless, adj. /kuv euhr/, v.t. 1. to be or serve as a covering for; extend over; rest on the surface of: Snow covered the fields. 2. to place something over or upon, as for protection, concealment, or warmth. 3. to… … Universalium
cover — /ˈkʌvə / (say kuvuh) verb (t) 1. to put something over or upon as for protection or concealment. 2. to be or serve as a covering for; extend over; occupy the surface of. 3. to put a cover or covering on; clothe. 4. to put one s hat on (one s… …
loss — The opposite of gain. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * loss loss [lɒs ǁ lɒːs] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] the fact of no longer having something that you used to have, or having less of it: • loss of earnings through illness ˈjob loss… … Financial and business terms
cover — cov•er [[t]ˈkʌv ər[/t]] v. t. 1) to be or serve as a covering for; extend over: Snow covered the fields[/ex] 2) to place something over or upon, as for protection, concealment, or warmth 3) to provide with a covering: Cover the pot with a… … From formal English to slang