Смотреть что такое "cov" в других словарях:
cov — cov·en; cov·e·nan·tal; cov·e·nan·tee; cov·e·nan·tor; cov·er·age; cov·er·chief; cov·er·er; cov·er·less; cov·er·let; cov·er·lid; cov·er·ture; cov·et; cov·et·able; cov·et·ing·ly; cov·e·tive·ness; cov·e·tous; cov·e·tous·ly; cov·e·tous·ness; cov·in;… … English syllables
CoV — COV, Cov, CoV or Co V may refer to: Abbreviation of Coventry, a city in the United Kingdom, used by many Coventrians COV is the three letter station code for Coventry railway station, Coventry, England Coefficient of variation, a statistical… … Wikipedia
cov´et|er — cov|et «KUHV iht», transitive verb. 1. to desire eagerly (something that belongs to another): »The other boys coveted his new bat. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under envy. (Cf. ↑envy) 2. to wish for, especially eagerly; long for. ╂[< Old French… … Useful english dictionary
cov|et — «KUHV iht», transitive verb. 1. to desire eagerly (something that belongs to another): »The other boys coveted his new bat. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under envy. (Cf. ↑envy) 2. to wish for, especially eagerly; long for. ╂[< Old French coveitier < … Useful english dictionary
cov — ● cov Abréviation de covariance … Encyclopédie Universelle
cov|en — «KUHV uhn», noun. 1. a gathering of witches, especially of a group of thirteen witches: »It [book] treats of sorcery and midnight covens in a jolly matter of fact manner (Punch). 2. any gathering or assembly. ╂[variant of obsolete covent convent; … Useful english dictionary
cov|er-up — «KUHV uhr UHP», noun. 1. something that conceals or disguise especially that conceals or disguises a defect or crime: »The SEC s use of the term [self regulation] is nothing more than a cover up for greater and greater Government control of our… … Useful english dictionary
cov|ey — «KUHV ee», noun, plural eys. 1. a small flock of partridges, quail, or similar birds: »He walked up to a covey of grouse, and getting off but one shot, picked up no less than five…birds (Atlantic). 2. Figurative. a small group; company: »the… … Useful english dictionary
cov|in — «KUHV uhn», noun. Law. a collusion between two or more persons harmful to a third. ╂[< Old French covin, convine < Late Latin convenium, ultimately < Latin com together + venīre come] … Useful english dictionary
COV — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. COV, sigle composé des trois lettres C, O et V, peut faire référence à : Composé organique volatil, Certificat d obtention végétale, Covilhã au… … Wikipédia en Français
COV — Die Abkürzung CoV steht für Club of Vienna. Kovarianz (Stochastik) City of Villains … Deutsch Wikipedia