Смотреть что такое "couscous" в других словарях:
Couscous — mit Kichererbsen und anderem Gemüse Couscous mit Kamelfleisch un … Deutsch Wikipedia
couscous — c.1600, from Fr. couscous (16c.), ultimately from Arabic kuskus, from kaskasa to pound, he pounded … Etymology dictionary
Couscous — Cous cous (k??s k??s ), n. A kind of food used by the natives of Western Africa, made of millet flour with flesh, and leaves of the baobab; called also {lalo}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Couscous — er en nordafrikansk ret, mere specifikt en marokkansk melspise med fårekød … Danske encyklopædi
couscous — → cuscús … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
couscous — ► NOUN ▪ a North African dish of steamed or soaked semolina, usually served with spicy meat or vegetables. ORIGIN Arabic … English terms dictionary
couscous — [ko͞os′ko͞os΄, ko͞os ko͞os′] n. [Fr < Berber kuskus < Ar < kaskasa, to grind, pound] a N African dish made with crushed grain, often semolina, usually steamed and served as with lamb or chicken in a spicy sauce … English World dictionary
Couscous — For the possum species, see Cuscus. For the ancient Chilean village, see Cuz Cuz. Couscous with vegetables Nutrition facts Serving size 1 cup (173 g) … Wikipedia
Couscous — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Couscous (homonymie). Couscous Marocain avec pois chiches, courgettes, carottes et potiron, ainsi que la marqa (bouillo … Wikipédia en Français
couscous — 1. couscous [ kuskus ] n. m. • 1649; coscosson 1534; ar. kouskous 1 ♦ Semoule de blé dur. Fam. Pédaler dans le couscous. 2 ♦ Plat originaire du Maghreb, composé de semoule roulée en grains, servie avec de la viande ou du poisson, des légumes et… … Encyclopédie Universelle
couscous — /koohs koohs/, n. a North African dish consisting of steamed semolina, served with vegetables and meat. [1590 1600; < F < Ar kuskus, kuskusu /em> Berber seksu] * * * ▪ food North African dish of semolina and accompanying foods. The semolina … Universalium