courtesy title

courtesy title
"титул учтивости", титул, носимый по обычаю и не дающий права на членство в палате лордов

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "courtesy title" в других словарях:

  • Courtesy title — Courtesy Cour te*sy (k?r t? s?), n.; pl. {Courtesies} ( s?z). [OE. cortaisie, corteisie, courtesie, OF. curteisie, cortoisie, OF. curteisie, cortoisie, F. courtoisie, fr. curteis, corteis. See {Courteous}.] 1. Politeness; civility; urbanity;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Courtesy title — In the context of nobility, a courtesy title is a title that is not a substantive title but rather is used through custom or courtesy.[1] In France, for example, cadet males of noble families, especially landed aristocracy, may assume a lower… …   Wikipedia

  • courtesy title — noun 1. : a title granted by usage and in some cases royal permission to certain lineal relatives of British peers: as a. : a title in the style of a peerage borne by an heir in the direct line of a duke or marquess and by the eldest son of an… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Courtesy title — The courtesy title, one step below that of the actual rank of an heir. For example, a duke s first son could style himself earl , unless the family actually possessed other titles, in which case he would use the lesser titles as his own …   Medieval glossary

  • courtesy title — 1. a title applied or assumed through custom, courtesy, or association and without regard for its being officially merited. 2. a title allowed by custom, as to the children of dukes. [1860 65] * * * …   Universalium

  • courtesy title — noun Date: 1865 1. a title (as “Lord” added to the Christian name of a peer s younger son) used in addressing certain lineal relatives of British peers 2. a title (as “Professor” for any teacher) taken by the user and commonly accepted without… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • courtesy title — honorary title, title given for respectful reasons …   English contemporary dictionary

  • courtesy title — noun a title given to someone, especially the son or daughter of a peer, that has no legal validity …   English new terms dictionary

  • courtesy title — cour′tesy ti tle n. a title allowed by custom, as to the children of dukes • Etymology: 1860–65 …   From formal English to slang

  • courtesy title — /ˈkɜtəsi taɪtl/ (say kertuhsee tuytl) noun a title allowed by custom to a person who has no legal claim to it …  

  • Courtesy — Cour te*sy (k?r t? s?), n.; pl. {Courtesies} ( s?z). [OE. cortaisie, corteisie, courtesie, OF. curteisie, cortoisie, OF. curteisie, cortoisie, F. courtoisie, fr. curteis, corteis. See {Courteous}.] 1. Politeness; civility; urbanity; courtliness.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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