course-of-value function

course-of-value function
производящая функция

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "course-of-value function" в других словарях:

  • Course-of-values recursion — In computability theory, course of values recursion is a technique for defining number theoretic functions by recursion. In a definition of a function f by course of values recursion, the value of f(n+1) is computed from the sequence . The fact… …   Wikipedia

  • Course in General Linguistics — (Cours de linguistique générale) is an influential book compiled by Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye that is based on notes taken from Ferdinand de Saussure s lectures at the University of Geneva between the years 1906 and 1911. It was… …   Wikipedia

  • Function — Func tion, n. [L. functio, fr. fungi to perform, execute, akin to Skr. bhuj to enjoy, have the use of: cf. F. fonction. Cf. {Defunct}.] 1. The act of executing or performing any duty, office, or calling; performance. In the function of his public …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Function (mathematics) — f(x) redirects here. For the band, see f(x) (band). Graph of example function, In mathematics, a function associates one quantity, the a …   Wikipedia

  • Value product — The value product (VP) is an economic concept formulated by Karl Marx in his critique of political economy during the 1860s, and used in Marxian social accounting theory for capitalist economies. Its annual monetary value is approximately equal… …   Wikipedia

  • Course Setting Bomb Sight — The CSBS Mk. IX mounted in a Fairey Battle. The bomb aimer is sighting through the white ring shaped backsights to the pin shaped foresights (just visible against the armoured cable) and holding the bomb release switch in his right hand. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Primitive recursive function — The primitive recursive functions are defined using primitive recursion and composition as central operations and are a strict subset of the recursive functions (recursive functions are also known as computable functions). The term was coined by… …   Wikipedia

  • Algebraic function — Function Func tion, n. [L. functio, fr. fungi to perform, execute, akin to Skr. bhuj to enjoy, have the use of: cf. F. fonction. Cf. {Defunct}.] 1. The act of executing or performing any duty, office, or calling; performance. In the function of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Arbitrary function — Function Func tion, n. [L. functio, fr. fungi to perform, execute, akin to Skr. bhuj to enjoy, have the use of: cf. F. fonction. Cf. {Defunct}.] 1. The act of executing or performing any duty, office, or calling; performance. In the function of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Carnot's function — Function Func tion, n. [L. functio, fr. fungi to perform, execute, akin to Skr. bhuj to enjoy, have the use of: cf. F. fonction. Cf. {Defunct}.] 1. The act of executing or performing any duty, office, or calling; performance. In the function of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Discontinuous function — Function Func tion, n. [L. functio, fr. fungi to perform, execute, akin to Skr. bhuj to enjoy, have the use of: cf. F. fonction. Cf. {Defunct}.] 1. The act of executing or performing any duty, office, or calling; performance. In the function of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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