Counterwork — Coun ter*work ( w[^u]rk ), v. t. To work in opposition to; to counteract. [1913 Webster] That counterworks each folly and caprice. Pope. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
counterwork — index circumvent, collide (clash), confront (oppose), contradict, counteract, fight (counteract … Law dictionary
counterwork — [kount′ər wʉrk΄] n. anything made in opposition, as a fortification to oppose an enemy fortification … English World dictionary
counterwork — counter worker, n. n. /kown teuhr werrk /; v. /kown teuhr werrk , kown teuhr werrk /, n. 1. work or action to oppose some other work or action. v.i. 2. to work in opposition. v.t. 3. to work in opposition to; hinder or frustrate. [1590 1600;… … Universalium
counterwork — n. work or action undertaken to counteract other work or another action v. work in opposition to; to counteract … English contemporary dictionary
counterwork — coun·ter·work … English syllables
counterwork — noun /ˈkaʊntəwɜk/ (say kowntuhwerk) 1. opposing work or action; a work in opposition to another work. –verb (i) /kaʊntəˈwɜk/ (say kowntuh werk) 2. to work in opposition. –verb (t) /kaʊntəˈwɜk/ (say kowntuh werk) 3. to work in opposition to;… …
counterwork — I. ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷+ˌ noun Etymology: counter + work (n.) 1. : any work done counter to another work 2. counterworks plural : fortifications constructed to counteract the effect of fortifications of the enemy II. | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷+ … Useful english dictionary
Opposition — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Opposition >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 opposition opposition antagonism Sgm: N 1 oppugnancy oppugnancy oppugnation Sgm: N 1 impugnation| impugnation| =>! Sgm: N 1 contrariety contrariety Sgm: N 1 … English dictionary for students
confront — con·front /kən frənt/ vt: to face or bring face to face for the purpose of challenging esp. through cross examination the accused shall enjoy the be confront ed with the witnesses against him U.S. Constitution amend. VI… … Law dictionary
circumvent — I verb avoid doing, be cunning, be sly, beguile, bypass, circonvenir, circumscribere, circumvenire, cloak, conceal, confuse, contravene, contrive, counteract, counterwork, cover, deceive, defeat, defraud, delude, devise, disrupt, elude, escape,… … Law dictionary