Смотреть что такое "countervalue" в других словарях:
Countervalue — is the targeting of an opponent s cities and civilian populations. In contrast, counterforce refers to the targeting of an opponent s military personnel, forces and facilities.[1][2] Contents 1 Theory 2 International Law … Wikipedia
countervalue — noun Brit. an equivalent or equal, especially in military strategy … English new terms dictionary
countervalue — n. an equivalent value, esp. in military strategy … Useful english dictionary
Counterforce — In nuclear strategy, a counterforce target is one that has a military value, such as a launch silo for intercontinental ballistic missiles, an airbase at which nuclear armed bombers are stationed, a homeport for ballistic missile submarines, or a … Wikipedia
Enthauptungsschlag — (engl. decapitation strike) ist ein Begriff aus der Nuklearstrategie. Er bezeichnet einen massiven strategischen Angriff mit Atomraketen auf die politischen und militärischen Führungsstrukturen des Gegners mit der Absicht, dessen Fähigkeit zum… … Deutsch Wikipedia
First strike — In nuclear strategy, a first strike is a preemptive surprise attack employing overwhelming force. First strike capability is a country s ability to defeat another nuclear power by destroying its arsenal to the point where the attacking country… … Wikipedia
Nuclear utilization target selection — (NUTS) is a theory regarding the use of nuclear weapons often contrasted with mutually assured destruction (MAD). NUTS theory at its most basic level asserts that it is possible for a limited nuclear exchange to occur and that nuclear weapons are … Wikipedia
Schlesinger Doctrine — The Schlesinger Doctrine is the name, given by the press, to a major re alignment of United States nuclear strike policy that was announced in January 1974 by the US Secretary of Defense, James Schlesinger. It outlined a broad selection of… … Wikipedia
CONPLAN — Single Integrated Operational Plan Montage montrant le tir d un SLBM Trident dépuis son lancement par un sous marin nucléaire lanceur d engins jusqu à la rentrée des multiples têtes … Wikipédia en Français
OPLAN 8044 — Single Integrated Operational Plan Montage montrant le tir d un SLBM Trident dépuis son lancement par un sous marin nucléaire lanceur d engins jusqu à la rentrée des multiples têtes … Wikipédia en Français
Single Integrated Operational Plan — Montage montrant le tir d un SLBM Trident dépuis son lancement par un sous marin nucléaire lanceur d engins jusqu à la rentrée des multiples têtes … Wikipédia en Français