- countermissile
- противоракета, антиракета - * defence противоракетная оборона
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Lev Lyulyev — Infobox Person name = Lev Veniaminovych Lyulyev image size = caption = birth date = birth date and age|1908|3|17 birth place = Kiev, Russian Empire death date = death date and age|1985|11|1|1908|3|17} death place = Moscow, USSR occupation =… … Wikipedia
Spacecraft in the Honorverse — This article is about the different types of spacecraft which appear in the Honorverse, a series of military science fiction novels written by American author David Weber, which feature Honor Harrington as its main character. Introduction The… … Wikipedia
bolt — Synonyms and related words: AWOL, French leave, Irish confetti, Jupiter Fulgur, Thor, abscond, absence without leave, absquatulate, absquatulation, apostacize, apostasy, apostatize, arrow, arrowhead, articulate, assort, attach, backsliding, bale … Moby Thesaurus
boomerang — Synonyms and related words: Irish confetti, backfire, backlash, backlashing, bola, bolt, bounce, bounce back, bound, bound back, brickbat, cannon, cannon off, carom, comeback, contrecoup, counter, counterblast, counterblow, countermissile,… … Moby Thesaurus
brickbat — Synonyms and related words: Irish confetti, affront, aspersion, atrocity, bola, bolt, boomerang, contempt, contumely, countermissile, cut, despite, dump, enormity, flout, flouting, gibe, humiliation, indignity, injury, insult, jeer, jeering,… … Moby Thesaurus
missile — Synonyms and related words: AA target rocket, ABM, ASM, ATS, Asp, Asroc, Atlas, Atlas Agena, Atlas Centaur, Bullpup, Cajun, Corporal, Corvus, Crossbow, Dart, Deacon, Delta, Diamant, Dove, Falcon, Firebee, Genie, Hawk, Holy Moses, Hound Dog, ICBM … Moby Thesaurus
projectile — Synonyms and related words: Irish confetti, ball, ballistic, bola, bolt, boomerang, brickbat, bullet, countermissile, discus, ejecta, ejectamenta, ejective, jaculatory, missile, quoit, rock, rocket, shell, stone, throw stick, throwing stick,… … Moby Thesaurus
rock — Synonyms and related words: Gibraltar, Irish confetti, acid rock, adamant, adamantine, affect, agitate, amaze, appease, astonish, astound, avant garde jazz, ballroom music, bankrupt, bebop, bedrock, blunder, bob, bobble, bola, bolt, bone, boogie… … Moby Thesaurus
rocket — Synonyms and related words: AA target rocket, ABM, ASM, ATS, Asp, Asroc, Atlas, Atlas Agena, Atlas Centaur, Bullpup, Cajun, Corporal, Corvus, Crossbow, Dart, Deacon, Delta, Diamant, Dove, Earth insertion, Falcon, Firebee, Genie, Hawk, Holy Moses … Moby Thesaurus
stone — Synonyms and related words: Irish confetti, Lydian stone, Tarmac, Tarvia, aa, abyssal rock, acorn, adamant, adamantine, adobe, agate, alexandrite, amethyst, anklet, anthraconite, aplite, aquamarine, arch, armlet, ashlar, asphalt, aventurine,… … Moby Thesaurus
throw stick — Synonyms and related words: Irish confetti, arbalest, ballista, bola, bolt, boomerang, brickbat, catapult, countermissile, missile, projectile, rock, rocket, sling, slingshot, stone, throwing stick, torpedo, trebuchet, waddy, wommera| … Moby Thesaurus