Смотреть что такое "counter-parry" в других словарях:
counter-parry — noun A parry that moves in a circle to end up in the same position in which it started. Also known as a circular parry … Wiktionary
Parry (fencing) — A parry is a fencing bladework manoeuvre intended to deflect or block an incoming attack. Contents 1 Execution 2 Use 3 Classification 4 References … Wikipedia
counter — counter1 [kount′ər] n. [ME countour: in senses 1 & 2 < OFr conteor < L computator < computare; in senses 3, 4, 5 < OFr contouer, counting room, table of a bank < ML computatorium < L computare,COMPUTE] 1. a) a person or thing… … English World dictionary
parry — [par′ē] vt. parried, parrying [prob. < Fr parez, imper. of parer < It parare, to ward off < L parare, to PREPARE] 1. to ward off or deflect (a blow, the thrust of a sword, etc.) 2. to counter or ward off (criticism, a prying question,… … English World dictionary
counter — [adj] opposite, opposing adverse, against, antagonistic, anti, antipodal, antipodean, antithetical, conflicting, contradictory, contrary, contrasting, converse, diametric, hindering, impeding, obstructive, obverse, opposed, polar, reverse;… … New thesaurus
counter — I verb act against, act in opposition to, agitate against, antagonize, avert, be at cross purposes, be contrary, be inimical, be obstructive, bid against, challenge, clash, collide, come in conflict with, compete with, conflict with, confute,… … Law dictionary
counter-parade — counter parade, parry (Fencing): see counter n.5 … Useful english dictionary
parry — I verb avert, avoid, beat off, block, brush off, chase away, chase off, confute, counter, defendere, deflect, dodge, drive away, drive back, elude, escape, evade, fence, fend off, fight off, foil, force back, hedge, hold at bay, hold back, hold… … Law dictionary
counter — counter1 /kown teuhr/, n. 1. a table or display case on which goods can be shown, business transacted, etc. 2. (in restaurants, luncheonettes, etc.) a long, narrow table with stools or chairs along one side for the patrons, behind which… … Universalium
counter — Synonyms and related words: Geiger counter, Wilson chamber, X ray spectrograph, X ray spectrometer, abjure, adversary, adversative, adverse, adversive, advocate, against the grain, against the tide, against the wind, agree to disagree, alien,… … Moby Thesaurus
counter — I. /ˈkaʊntə / (say kowntuh) noun 1. a table or board on which money is counted, business is transacted, or goods are laid for examination. 2. (in a cafe, restaurant or hotel) a long, narrow table, shelf, bar, etc., at which customers eat. 3.… …