- counter cheque
- чек, оплачиваемый банком в присутствии владельца чека
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
counter cheque — /ˈkaʊntə tʃɛk/ (say kowntuh chek) noun a cheque made available in a financial institution for the use of a customer in making a withdrawal …
Cheque — A Canadian cheque … Wikipedia
cheque — A preprinted form on which instructions are given to an account holder (a bank or building society) to pay a stated sum to a named recipient. It is the most common form of payment of debts of all kinds (see also cheque account; current account).… … Big dictionary of business and management
cheque — A preprinted form on which instructions are given to an account provider (a bank or building society) to pay a stated sum to a named recipient. It is a common form of payment of debts of all kinds ( current account). In a crossed cheque two… … Accounting dictionary
counter check — noun a blank check provided by a bank for the convenience of customers who are making withdrawals • Hypernyms: ↑check, ↑bank check, ↑cheque * * * noun Etymology: counter (I) : a blank check obtainable at a bank especially to be cashed only at the … Useful english dictionary
Blank cheque — This article is about the metaphor. For other uses, see Blank cheque (disambiguation). A blank cheque (blank check, carte blanche), in the literal sense, is a cheque that has no numerical value written in, but is already signed. In the figurative … Wikipedia
Чек-каунтер — чек расписка, выдаваемая вкладчикам банка в случае временного изъятия банком денежных средств со счетов своих клиентов. По английски: Counter cheque См. также: Банковские чеки Банковские депозиты Финансовый словарь Финам … Финансовый словарь
Crossing of cheques — A crossed cheque – the oblique nearly vertical lines down the center are the cross. Any cheque crossed with two parallel lines means that the cheque can only be deposited directly into an account with a bank and cannot be immediately cashed by a… … Wikipedia
Transactional account — Banking A series on Financial services … Wikipedia
Bank — For other uses, see Bank (disambiguation). Banker and Bankers redirect here. For other uses, see Banker (disambiguation). Banking … Wikipedia
Fraud Squad — City of London Police The largest Fraud squad is run by the City of London Police who are responsible for policing London s and the UK s main financial hub.This department investigates what could be described as the traditional fraud offences,… … Wikipedia