- count noun
- исчисляемое существительное (грамматика) исчисляемое имя существительное
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
count noun — noun a noun that forms plurals • Hypernyms: ↑noun * * * noun Etymology: count (II) : a noun that forms a plural and is used with a numeral, with words such as many or few, or in English with the indefinite article a or … Useful english dictionary
count noun — count nouns N COUNT A count noun is a noun such as bird , chair , or year which has a singular and a plural form and is always used after a determiner in the singular. Syn: countable noun … English dictionary
count noun — count ,noun noun count a COUNTABLE noun … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
count noun — noun (OED 1952) a noun which is used to refer to things that can be counted. Examples: woman, stone, tree, dollar. Syn: countable noun Ant: mass noun, non count noun, uncountable noun … Wiktionary
count noun — ► NOUN ▪ a noun that can form a plural and, in the singular, can be used with the indefinite article, e.g. books, a book. Contrasted with MASS NOUN(Cf. ↑mass noun) … English terms dictionary
Count noun — (dt. „zählbares Nomen“, dieser Begriff ist jedoch kaum etabliert) heißt in der Sprachwissenschaft ein Nomen, das zählbar ist, d. h., das mit Numeralia (zwei, drei, vier Tiere) und Quantifizierern (kein, jedes, manches Tier) kombiniert werden kann … Deutsch Wikipedia
count noun — n a noun that has both a singular and plural form and can be used with a or an →↑noun … Dictionary of contemporary English
count noun — count′ noun n. gram. a noun, as apple, table, or birthday, that typically refers to a countable thing and that in English can be used in both the singular and the plural and can be preceded by the indefinite article a or an and by numerals… … From formal English to slang
count noun — ☆ count noun n. a noun denoting something that is countable: it can form a plural and be preceded by a or an or a numeral (Ex.: dog, tree, idea): cf. MASS NOUN … English World dictionary
Count noun — In linguistics, a count noun (also countable noun) is a common noun that can be modified by a numeral and that occurs in both singular and plural form, as well as co occurring with quantificational determiners like every, each, several, etc. A… … Wikipedia
count noun — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms count noun : singular count noun plural count nouns linguistics a countable noun … English dictionary