Councillor — (engl., spr. kaunß lĕr), Mitglied eines Council (s.d.) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
councillor — coun·cil·lor or coun·ci·lor / kau̇n sə lər/ n: a member of a council coun·cil·lor·ship n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
councillor — late 14c., alteration of COUNSELLOR (Cf. counsellor) by assimilation to COUNCIL (Cf. council) … Etymology dictionary
councillor — (US also councilor) ► NOUN ▪ a member of a council … English terms dictionary
Councillor — For information on a person who provides counsel or advice, see counselor (disambiguation). Legislature This series is part of the Politics series Legislature Legislatures by country Parliament Member of Parliament Parliamentary group… … Wikipedia
councillor */*/ — UK [ˈkaʊns(ə)lə(r)] / US [ˈkaʊnsələr] noun [countable] Word forms councillor : singular councillor plural councillors an elected member of the council that governs a city, county etc Councillor Marion Atwood a county councillor … English dictionary
councillor — [[t]ka͟ʊnsələ(r)[/t]] councillors N COUNT; N TITLE A councillor is a member of a local council. ...the first black New York City councillor, Benjamin Davis Jr. ...Councillor Michael Poulter. (in AM, use councilor) … English dictionary
councillor — Used to address a member of a municipal council, either alone or as a prefix to the last name of the person concerned. The Half Hunter, by John Sherwood, has ‘Yes, Councillor Prentice. It’s quite true.’ In Life at the Top, by John Braine,… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
councillor — Councilor Coun cil*or (koun s?l ?r), n. A member of a council. [Written also {councillor}.] [1913 Webster] Note: The distinction between councilor, a member of a council, and counselor, one who gives counsel, was not formerly made, but is now… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
councillor — noun a) A member of a council b) A representative elected to a local authority. See Also: Privy Councillor … Wiktionary
councillor — (AmE also councilor) noun ADJECTIVE ▪ borough (BrE), city, county (BrE), district (BrE), local, parish (BrE), town (esp. BrE) ▪ … Collocations dictionary