cotillion, cotillon

cotillion, cotillon
котильон (американизм) кадриль шерстяная материя на юбку

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cotillion, cotillon" в других словарях:

  • Cotillón — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El cotillón (galicismo de cotillon) es un tipo de baile proveniente de Francia inventado alrededor de 1700 para ser bailado por parejas de a cuatro formando un especie de cuadrado. El cotillón fue uno de las muchas… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Cotillion records — était une filiale du label Atlantic Records. Le président de Cotillon Records fut Henry E. Allen. Ce label fut actif depuis la fin des années 60 jusque dans les années 80. Il produisit The Impressions, Brook Benton, Jean Knight, Mass Production,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cotillion — Cotillon Co til lon (k[ o] t[ e] y[^o]N or k[ o] t[ e]l ; 277), Cotillion Co*til lion (k[ o]*t[i^]l y[u^]n), n. [F. cotillon, fr. OF. cote coat, LL. cotta tunic. See {Coat}.] 1. A brisk dance, performed by eight persons; a quadrille. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cotillion — [kō til′yən] n. [Fr cotillon, orig., petticoat < OFr cote: see COAT] 1. a) a brisk, lively dance characterized by many intricate figures and the continual changing of partners b) music for such a dance 2. a formal ball, esp. one at which… …   English World dictionary

  • Cotillon — Co til lon (k[ o] t[ e] y[^o]N or k[ o] t[ e]l ; 277), Cotillion Co*til lion (k[ o]*t[i^]l y[u^]n), n. [F. cotillon, fr. OF. cote coat, LL. cotta tunic. See {Coat}.] 1. A brisk dance, performed by eight persons; a quadrille. [1913 Webster] 2. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cotillion Records — était une filiale du label Atlantic Records. Le président de Cotillon Records fut Henry E. Allen. Ce label fut actif depuis la fin des années 60 jusque dans les années 80. Il produisit The Impressions, Brook Benton, Jean Knight, Mass Production,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cotillion — For other uses, see Cotillion (disambiguation). Cotillion figures demonstrated in the Festsaal, Hofburg, Vienna, in 2008 The cotillion is a type of patterned social dance that originated in France in the 18th century and was originally made up of …   Wikipedia

  • cotillion — /keuh til yeuhn, koh /, n. 1. a formal ball given esp. for debutantes. 2. a lively French social dance originating in the 18th century, consisting of a variety of steps and figures and performed by couples. 3. any of various dances resembling the …   Universalium

  • cotillion — also cotillon noun Etymology: French cotillon, literally, petticoat, from Old French, from cote coat Date: 1728 1. a ballroom dance for couples that resembles the quadrille 2. an elaborate dance with frequent changing of partners carried out… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cotillion — /kəˈtɪljən/ (say kuh tilyuhn) noun a lively French social dance of the 18th century. Also, cotillon /kəˈtɪljən/ (say kuh tilyuhn). {French cotillon, originally, petticoat, diminutive of cotte coat} …  

  • cotillon — noun see cotillion …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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