costs per
Смотреть что такое "costs per" в других словарях:
Costs (English law) — Costs is a term of art in civil litigation in English law (the law of England and Wales), and in other Commonwealth jurisdictions. After judgment has been given, the judge has the power to order who will pay the lawyers fees and other… … Wikipedia
per di|em — «puhr DY uhm, DEE uhm», 1. per day; for each day: »Rental of the boat per diem was $5. Petitioner was compensated at a specified per diem rate (New York Times). 2. an allowance of so much every day for living expenses, usually while traveling in… … Useful english dictionary
Per se (restaurant) — Per Se is a gourmet restaurant located at Columbus Circle in New York, New York. The executive chef and owner is Thomas Keller who is also involved in the restaurants French Laundry in Napa Valley and Bouchon, in Napa Valley and Las Vegas. The… … Wikipedia
costs — A pecuniary allowance, made to the successful party (and recoverable from the losing party), for his expenses in prosecuting or defending an action or a distinct proceeding within an action. In federal courts, costs are allowed as a matter of… … Black's law dictionary
costs — A pecuniary allowance, made to the successful party (and recoverable from the losing party), for his expenses in prosecuting or defending an action or a distinct proceeding within an action. In federal courts, costs are allowed as a matter of… … Black's law dictionary
per — /perr/; unstressed /peuhr/, prep. 1. for each; for every: Membership costs ten dollars per year. This cloth is two dollars per yard. 2. by means of; by; through: I am sending the recipe per messenger. 3. according to; in accordance with: I… … Universalium
per — [[t]pɜr[/t]] unstressed [[t]pər[/t]] prep. 1) use for or in each or every; a or an: Membership costs $10 per year[/ex] 2) according to; in accordance with: I delivered the box per your instructions[/ex] 3) by means of; by; through: Send it per… … From formal English to slang
per — [[t]pɜː(r)[/t]] ♦♦ 1) PREP: amount PREP n You use per to express rates and ratios. For example, if something costs ₤50 per year, you must pay ₤50 each year for it. If a vehicle is travelling at 40 miles per hour, it travels 40 miles each hour.… … English dictionary
costs — sąnaudos statusas Aprobuotas sritis buhalterinė apskaita ir finansinė atskaitomybė apibrėžtis 1. Ekonominės naudos sumažėjimas dėl turto sunaudojimo, pardavimo, perdavimo, netekimo arba nuvertėjimo ir įsipareigojimų prisiėmimo per ataskaitinį… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
per diem — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Lat., per day. See apportionment, payment. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. costs, daily expense(s), routine expense(s), outlay; see expense 1 … English dictionary for students
per head — for each person The same meal costs £4 per head more during the holiday season … English dictionary