- coster monger
- уличный торговец фруктами, овощами, рыбой и т. п.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
coster — [19] Coster is short for costermonger, a term dating from the 16th century. Since the 19th century, and perhaps before, it has been a general term in Britain, and particularly in London, for a street trader with a barrow or stall, but further… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
coster — [19] Coster is short for costermonger, a term dating from the 16th century. Since the 19th century, and perhaps before, it has been a general term in Britain, and particularly in London, for a street trader with a barrow or stall, but further… … Word origins
Costermonger — The Coster s Mansion, 1899 sheet music Costermonger, or simply Coster, is a street seller of fruit (apples, etc.) and vegetables, in London and other British towns. They were ubiquitous in mid Victorian England, and some are still found in… … Wikipedia
dealer — n wholesaler, jobber, merchant, salesman, trader, tradesman, Chiefly Brit. monger; retailer, shopkeeper; vendor, chandler, sutler, peddler, Brit. chapman, hawker, huckster, Chiefly Brit. coster monger; trafficker, middleman, (in stolen goods) Sl … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
merchant — n 1. trader, tradesman, salesman, traveling salesman, U.S. drummer, dealer, businessman; seller, wholesaler, jobber, Chiefly Brit. monger; vendor, chandler, sutler, packman, peddler, colporteur, Brit. chapman, hawker, huckster, Chiefly Brit.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
peddler — I peddler, pedlar (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. hawker, huckster, colporteur, sutler, vendor, trader, dealer. See sale. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. hawker, vender, seller; see businessperson , salesman 2 . III (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) … English dictionary for students
darling — This word was in use by the tenth century and is one of the most frequently used endearments in English. It is composed of the word ‘dear’ and the suffix ‘ ling’, which converts the adjective into a noun meaning ‘a person who has the qualities … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
costermonger — /kos teuhr mung geuhr, mong , kaw steuhr /, Chiefly Brit. n. 1. Also called coster. a hawker of fruit, vegetables, fish, etc. v.i. 2. to sell fruit, vegetables, fish, etc., from a cart, barrow, or stall in the streets; coster. [1505 15; earlier… … Universalium
costermonger — 1510s, itinerant apple seller from coster (see COSTARD (Cf. costard)) + MONGER (Cf. monger). Sense extended from apple seller to any salesman who plied his wares from a street cart. Contemptuous use is from Shakespeare ( 2 Henry IV ), but reason… … Etymology dictionary
huckster — Synonyms and related words: arab, bargain, beat down, bid, bid for, cadger, chaffer, chapman, cheap jack, cheap john, cheapen, cheapjack, colporteur, coster, costermonger, dicker, dispense, drive a bargain, duffer, haggle, hawk, hawker, higgle,… … Moby Thesaurus
peddler — Synonyms and related words: arab, cadger, chapman, cheap jack, cheap john, cheapjack, colporteur, coster, costermonger, duffer, hawker, higgler, huckster, monger, pusher, roadman, sidewalk salesman, vendor … Moby Thesaurus