cost much
Смотреть что такое "cost much" в других словарях:
cost — 1 noun 1 MONEY PAID (C) the amount of money that you have to pay in order to buy, do, or produce something: I ll give you $15 to cover the cost of the gas. | at a cost of: The new building s going up at a cost of $82 million. | high/low cost: a… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
cost — 01. It only [costs] $2 to rent a video on Wednesday nights. 02. Don t lose your student I.D. card or it will [cost] you $10 to replace it. 03. Her apartment only [costs] $500 a month, everything included. 04. It is [costing] them thousands of… … Grammatical examples in English
cost — [[t]kɒ̱st, AM kɔ͟ːst[/t]] ♦ costs, costing (The form cost is used in the present tense, and is also the past tense and participle, except for meaning 4, where the form costed is used.) 1) N COUNT: usu sing, oft N of n The cost of something is the … English dictionary
Cost–benefit analysis — (CBA), sometimes called benefit–cost analysis (BCA), is a systematic process for calculating and comparing benefits and costs of a project for two purposes: (1) to determine if it is a sound investment (justification/feasibility), (2) to see how… … Wikipedia
Cost-benefit analysis — is a term that refers both to:* a formal discipline used to help appraise, or assess, the case for a project or proposal, which itself is a process known as project appraisal; and * an informal approach to making decisions of any kind. Under both … Wikipedia
much — [ mʌtʃ ] (comparative more [ mɔr ] ; superlative most [ moust ] ) function word, quantifier *** Much can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by an uncountable noun): There isn t much time left. How much money do you have? as… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Cost of Living Allowance — (COLA) is a United States military entitlement given to military servicemen and women living in high cost areas or stationed overseas. It is intended to compensate servicemembers for the high cost of living at certain duty stations.How It… … Wikipedia
Cost of Living Allowance (U.S. Military) — Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) is a United States military entitlement given to military servicemen and women living in high cost areas or stationed overseas. It is intended to compensate servicemembers for the high cost of living at certain… … Wikipedia
Cost-plus pricing — is a pricing method used by companies to maximize their profits. The firms accomplish their objective of profit maximization by increasing their production until marginal revenue equals marginal cost, and then charging a price which is determined … Wikipedia
Cost of poor quality — (COPQ) or poor quality costs (PQC), are defined as costs that would disappear if systems, processes, and products were perfect. COPQ was popularized by IBM quality expert H. James Harrington in his 1987 book Poor Quality Costs.[1] COPQ is a… … Wikipedia
Cost of conflict — is a tool which attempts to calculate the price of conflict to the human race. The idea is to examine this cost, not only in terms of the deaths and casualties and the economic costs borne by the people involved, but also the social,… … Wikipedia