cost free
Смотреть что такое "cost free" в других словарях:
Cost free — Cost Cost, n. [OF. cost, F. co[^u]t. See {Cost}, v. t. ] 1. The amount paid, charged, or engaged to be paid, for anything bought or taken in barter; charge; expense; hence, whatever, as labor, self denial, suffering, etc., is requisite to secure… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cost-free — UK US adjective, adverb ► available at no cost: »Selling investments and buying new ones is not a cost free exercise, because you have to pay dealing costs. »The software can be downloaded cost free … Financial and business terms
cost-free — cost freeˈ adjective Free of charge (also adverb) • • • Main Entry: ↑cost … Useful english dictionary
Free software — or software libre is software that can be used, studied, and modified without restriction, and which can be copied and redistributed in modified or unmodified form either without restriction, or with minimal restrictions only to ensure that… … Wikipedia
Cost — Cost, n. [OF. cost, F. co[^u]t. See {Cost}, v. t. ] 1. The amount paid, charged, or engaged to be paid, for anything bought or taken in barter; charge; expense; hence, whatever, as labor, self denial, suffering, etc., is requisite to secure… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
free — [adj1] without charge chargeless, comp*, complimentary, costless, for love*, for nothing*, freebie*, free of cost, free ride*, gratis, gratuitous, handout, on the cuff*, on the house*, paper*, unpaid, unrecompensed; concept 334 Ant. costly,… … New thesaurus
free — {{11}}free (adj.) O.E. freo free, exempt from, not in bondage, also noble; joyful, from P.Gmc. *frijaz (Cf. O.Fris. fri, O.S., O.H.G. vri, Ger. frei, Du. vrij, Goth. freis free ), from PIE *prijos dear, beloved, from root *pri … Etymology dictionary
free — adj 1. independent, self governed, self governing, self directing, inner directed; sovereign, autonomous, unsubject, uncolonial; enfranchised, freeborn. 2. unconfined, at liberty, at large, loose, on the loose; freed, liberated, released, let out … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
free — Synonyms and related words: abandoned, able, above, absolve, accessible, acquit, adrift, affranchise, afloat, afoot and lighthearted, allowed, amnesty, approachable, arbitrary, artless, as a gift, as our guest, at large, at leisure, at liberty,… … Moby Thesaurus
free gratis — adverb (or adjective) : without cost : free, gratis not often in formal use the car was given free gratis to anyone guessing the right number souvenirs were free gratis … Useful english dictionary
Free File Fillable Tax Forms — Electronic versions of tax forms, first posted by the IRS in 2009, to allow taxpayers, regardless of their income, to file their taxes online at no cost. Free file fillable tax forms are meant to speed up the process of receiving refunds, and… … Investment dictionary