- Reductio ad impossible
Reductio ad impossible (лат.) - сведение к невозможности. Прием опровержения.
reductio ad absurdum — [ri duk′tē ō΄ ad ab sʉr′dəm, ri duk′shē ō΄] n. [L, reduction to absurdity] Logic the proof of a proposition by showing its opposite to be an obvious falsity or self contradiction, or the disproof of a proposition by showing its consequences to be … English World dictionary
Reductio ad absurdum — Raisonnement par l absurde Voir « apagogie » sur le Wiktionnaire … Wikipédia en Français
ДОКАЗАТЕЛЬСТВО КОСВЕННОЕ — ДОКАЗАТЕЛЬСТВО КОСВЕННОЕ (непрямое доказательство) доказательство “от противоречащего случая”, такая форма логической аргументации, при которой явно используются дедуктивные свойства противоречия. Обычно выделяют две формы косвенного… … Философская энциклопедия
1_ИНОСТРАННЫЕ ТЕРМИНЫ И ВЫРАЖЕНИЯ — Ab ovo (лат.) с самого начала (букв. с яйца). Accidens (лат.) несущественное, случайное, привходящее свойство. Actu; in actu (лат.) актуально, в действии, в действительности. Ad hoc (лат.) для данного случая. Напр., гипотеза ad hoc. Ad hominem,… … Философская энциклопедия
logic, history of — Introduction the history of the discipline from its origins among the ancient Greeks to the present time. Origins of logic in the West Precursors of ancient logic There was a medieval tradition according to which the Greek philosopher … Universalium
Turing's proof — First published in January 1937 with the title On Computable Numbers, With an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem , Turing s proof was the second proof of the assertion (Alonzo Church proof was first) that some questions are undecidable :… … Wikipedia
réduction — [ redyksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • fin XIIIe « rapprochement »; lat. reductio, de reducere → réduire I ♦ (XIVe) Opération qui consiste à remettre en place (un os luxé, fracturé; un organe déplacé). Réduction d une articulation luxée. Par ext. Réduction d une… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Connexive logic — names one class of alternative, or non classical, logics designed to exclude the so called paradoxes of material implication. (Other logical theories with the same agenda include relevance logic, also known as relevant logic.) The characteristic… … Wikipedia
Argument from ignorance — The argument from ignorance, also known as argumentum ad ignorantiam ( appeal to ignorance [ [http://philosophy.lander.edu/logic/ignorance.html Argumentum ad Ignorantiam ] ] ) or argument by lack of imagination, is a logical fallacy in which it… … Wikipedia
Heraclitus — Catherine Osborne No philosopher before Socrates can have had such a profound influence on so many generations of subsequent thinkers as Heraclitus. Nor can any thinker, probably in the whole history of philosophy, have inspired such a wide range … History of philosophy