Leontiasis ossea — Leontiasis Ossea, also known as leontiasis or lion face, is a rare medical condition, characterized by an overgrowth of the facial and cranial bones. It is not a disease in itself, but a symptom of other diseases, including Paget s disease,… … Wikipedia
LEONTIASIS OSSEA — (от лат. 1ео лев), «костная львиность» (син.: hyperostosis cra nii, cranio sclerosis), название, предложенное Вирховым (Virchow) для обозначения редкого заболевания, заключающегося в б. или м. равномерном гиперостозе, т. е,… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
leontiasis ossea — leontiasis os·sea äs ē ə n an overgrowth of the bones of the head producing enlargement and distortion of the face * * * leontiasis ossium leonine facies caused by hypertrophy of the bones of the face and cranium, such as in hyperostosis… … Medical dictionary
leontiasis ossea — noun see leontiasis 2 … Useful english dictionary
leontiasis ossea — (лат. osseus костный; син.: гиперостоз черепа, краниосклероз) медленно прогрессирующее равномерное увеличение размеров некоторых костей черепа, чаще лицевого; наблюдается, напр., при болезни Педжета, паратиреоидной остеодистрофии,… … Большой медицинский словарь
ossea — see LEONTIASIS OSSEA … Medical dictionary
leontiasis — The ridges and furrows on the forehead and cheeks of patients with advanced lepromatous leprosy, giving a leonine appearance. SYN: leonine facies. [G. leon (leont ), lion] l. ossea SYN: megacephaly. * * * le·on·ti·a·sis .lē ən tī ə səs n, pl… … Medical dictionary
leontiasis — /lee euhn tuy euh sis/, n. Pathol. 1. a lionlike facial distortion. 2. Also called leontiasis ossea /os ee euh/. an overgrowth of the cranial and facial bones resulting in a lionlike appearance. [ < Gk leont , s. of léon LION + IASIS] * * * … Universalium
leontiasis — n. lionlike appearance of the face caused by a form of leprosy (Pathology); leontiasis ossea, abnormal growth of the facial bones which results in a lionlike appearance … English contemporary dictionary
leontiasis — n. a bilateral symmetrical hypertrophy of the bones of the face and cranium, said to resemble the appearance of a lion s head. It is a rare feature of untreated Paget s disease; the cause is unknown. Medical names: leontiasis ossea … The new mediacal dictionary
leontiasis — n. kind of leprosy giving leonine appearance to face. ♦ leontiasis ossea, hypertrophy of facial bones … Dictionary of difficult words