Hyalomma — Hyalomma … Wikipédia en Français
HYALOMMA — HYALOMMA, род клещей надсем. 1хо doidea, сем. Ixodidae. Тело овальное, с длинными пальпами, с глазами; у самцов имеются одна или две пары анальных щитков и два постанальных бугорка. Паразитируют на крупном рогатом скоте, верблюдах, лошадях, ослах … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
Hyalomma — Hyalomm … Wikipédia en Français
Hyalomma — Taxobox name = Hyalomma image caption = Hyalomma marginatum regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Arachnida ordo = Acarina subordo = Parasitiformes superfamilia = Ixodoidea familia = Ixodidae subfamilia = Hyalomminae genus = Hyalomma… … Wikipedia
Hyalomma — род клещей сем. Ixodidae, отр. Parasitiformes; многие виды Н. участвуют в передаче возбудителей Ку лихорадки, крымской геморрагической лихорадки, туляремии, бруцеллеза … Большой медицинский словарь
Hyalomma — An Old World genus (about 21 species) of large ixodid ticks with submarginal eyes, coalesced festoons, an ornate scutum, and a long rostrum. Adults parasitize all domestic animals and a wide variety of wild animals; larvae or nymphs may… … Medical dictionary
hyalomma — hy·a·lom·ma … English syllables
hyalomma — ˌhīəˈlämə noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from hyal + omma : an Old World genus of ticks that attack wild and domestic mammals and sometimes man, produce severe lesions by their bites, and often serve as vectors of viral and… … Useful english dictionary
Hyalomma anatolicum — a species found in arid regions from North Africa and southeastern Europe across Central Asia to Bangladesh, with several subspecies that attack large domestic animals with economic consequences. It is a vector for animal diseases such as… … Medical dictionary
Hyalomma marginatum — a species with subspecies found in various parts of Africa, Central Asia, Saudi Arabia, and the Indian subcontinent, attacking primarily birds and herbivores; it is a vector for various animal diseases and for Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever in… … Medical dictionary
Hyalomma plumbeum — a species found on livestock in Eastern Europe and parts of Asia, a vector for canine and equine babesiosis … Medical dictionary