- fluorescein
флюоресцеин – краситель
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
fluorescein — fluo res ce*in, fluoresceine fluo res ce*ine, fluorescein flu o*res ce*[ i]n, n. (Chem.) A yellowish red, crystalline substance, {C20H12O5}, produced by heating together phthalic anhydride and resorcin; so called, from the very brilliant… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fluorescein — fluo res ce*in, fluoresceine fluo res ce*ine, fluorescein flu o*res ce*[ i]n, n. (Chem.) A yellowish red, crystalline substance, {C20H12O5}, produced by heating together phthalic anhydride and resorcin; so called, from the very brilliant… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fluorescein — fluorescèīn m <G fluoresceína> DEFINICIJA kem. C20H12O5 narančasti kristalni prah, u vodenoj otopini fluorescira zeleno ETIMOLOGIJA v. fluorescencija … Hrvatski jezični portal
fluorescein — Fluorescein Флуоресцеин Флуоресцентный краситель, флуоресцирующий в зеленой области при возбуждении синим или ультрафиолетовым светом. Разбавленный раствор этого вещества применяется для определения имеющихся дефектов на поверхности роговицы… … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
fluorescein — [flo͞o΄əres′ē in] n. [< FLUORESCE + IN1: from its bright fluorescence in solution] a yellowish red, crystalline compound, C20H12O5, made synthetically from resorcinol and phthalic anhydride: a dilute alkaline solution appears green by… … English World dictionary
Fluorescein — Chembox new ImageFile = Fluoresceine.svg ImageSize = ImageFile2 = Fluorescein sample.jpg IUPACName = OtherNames = Fluorescein, resorcinolphthalein, C.I. 45350, solvent yellow 94, D C yellow no. 7, angiofluor, Japan yellow 201, soap yellow,… … Wikipedia
Fluorescein — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Fluorescein Andere Namen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fluorescein — Flu|o|res|ce|in [↑ Fluoreszenz u. ↑ in (3)], das; s; veraltetes Syn.: Resorcinphthalein: rote krist. oder gelbe amorphe Verb., Smp. 314 °C, deren wässrig alkalische oder alkoholische Lsg. grün fluoreszieren. Von dem Xanthenfarbstoff F. leiten… … Universal-Lexikon
fluorescein — Fluorophore commonly used in microscopy. Fluorescein di acetate can be used as a vital stain, or can be conjugated to proteins (particularly antibodies) using isothiocyanate. Excitation is at 365nm, and the emitted light is green yellow (450… … Dictionary of molecular biology
fluorescein — /floo res ee in, flaw , floh /, n. Chem. an orange red, crystalline, water insoluble solid, C20H12O5, that in alkaline solutions produces an orange color and an intense green fluorescence: used to trace subterranean waters and in dyes. Also,… … Universalium
fluorescein — An orange red crystalline powder that yields a bright green fluorescence in solution, and is reduced to fluorescin; a nontoxic, water soluble indicator used diagnostically to trace water flow. SYN: resorcinol phthalic anhydride … Medical dictionary