- filamentary keratitis
филаментный, нитковидный кератит
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
keratitis — Inflammation of the cornea. SEE ALSO: keratopathy. [kerato + G. itis, inflammation] actinic k. a reaction of the cornea to ultraviolet light. deep punctate k. sharply defined opacities in a … Medical dictionary
keratitis — n. inflammation of the cornea of the eye. The eye waters and is very painful and vision is blurred. It may be due to physical or chemical agents (abrasions, exposure to dust, chemicals, ultraviolet light, etc.) or result from infection. In… … The new mediacal dictionary
keratitis filamentosa — keratitis with twisted filaments of mucoid material on the surface of the cornea; called also filamentary keratopathy … Medical dictionary
filamentary keratopathy — keratitis filamentosa … Medical dictionary
keratopathy — Any corneal disease, damage, dysfunction, or abnormality. SYN: keratopathia. [kerato + G. pathos, suffering, disease] band shaped k. a horizontal, gray, interpalpebral opacity of the cornea that begins at the … Medical dictionary