- fifth cranial nerve
пятая пара черепномозговых нервов; тройничный нерв
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Fifth cranial nerve — The fifth cranial nerve is the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve is quite complex. It functions both as the chief nerve of sensation for the face and the motor nerve controlling the muscles of mastication (chewing). Problems with the sensory … Medical dictionary
fifth cranial nerve — noun the main sensory nerve of the face and motor nerve for the muscles of mastication • Syn: ↑trigeminal, ↑trigeminal nerve, ↑trigeminus, ↑nervus trigeminus • Hypernyms: ↑cranial nerve * * * noun … Useful english dictionary
fifth cranial nerve — noun trigeminal nerve Syn: fifth nerve … Wiktionary
fifth cranial nerve — The main sensory nerve of the head and face, and the motor nerve of the muscles used in chewing. Also called the trigeminal nerve … English dictionary of cancer terms
cranial nerve — noun any of the 12 paired nerves that originate in the brain stem • Hypernyms: ↑nerve, ↑nervus • Hyponyms: ↑olfactory nerve, ↑nervii olfactorii, ↑first cranial nerve, ↑optic nerve, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Cranial nerve, fifth — The fifth cranial nerve is the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve is quite complex. It functions both as the chief nerve of sensation for the face and the motor nerve controlling the muscles of mastication (chewing). Problems with the sensory … Medical dictionary
Nerve, fifth cranial — The fifth cranial nerve is the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve is quite complex. It functions both as the chief nerve of sensation for the face and the motor nerve controlling the muscles of mastication (chewing). Problems with the sensory … Medical dictionary
Cranial nerve V — The fifth cranial nerve is the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve is quite complex. It functions both as the chief nerve of sensation for the face and the motor nerve controlling the muscles of mastication (chewing). Problems with the sensory … Medical dictionary
Nerve, trigeminal — This nerve functions both as the chief nerve of sensation for the face and as the motor nerve controlling the muscles of mastication (chewing). Problems with the sensory part of the trigeminal nerve result in pain or loss of sensation in the face … Medical dictionary
fifth nerve — noun see fifth cranial nerve … Useful english dictionary
cranial nerve fifth — nervus trigeminus … Medical dictionary