- diaphanoscopy
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
diaphanoscopy — Examination of a cavity with a diaphanoscope. * * * di·aph·a·nos·co·py (di afґə nosґkə pe) transillumination … Medical dictionary
diaphanoscopy — n. (Medicine) transillumination, examination of an organ or body cavity using a light through the tissues (for medical inspection) … English contemporary dictionary
diaphanoscopy — di·aph·a·nos·co·py … English syllables
diaphanoscopy — noun see diaphanoscope … Useful english dictionary
cystodiaphanoscopy — cys·to·di·a·pha·nos·co·py (sis″to di″ə fə nosґkə pe) [cysto + diaphanoscopy] examination of the urinary bladder using transillumination (diaphanoscopy) … Medical dictionary
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy — Intervention ICD 9 CM 43.11 Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy is an endoscopic medical procedure in which a tube (PEG tube) is passed into a patient s stomach through the abdo … Wikipedia
Transillumination — The passing of a strong beam of light through a part of the body for medical inspection. A method of examination by the passage of light through tissues or a body cavity. A common use of transillumination is in infancy. The infant s skull should… … Medical dictionary
diafanoscopia — Eng. Diaphanoscopy Técnica que se emplea para explorar la turbidez de los medios refringentes … Diccionario de oftalmología
transiluminación — Eng. Diaphanoscopy Eng. Transillumination Técnica diagnóstica útil en las lesiones proliferativas intraoculares basada en el hecho de que los tumores pigmentados y las hemorragias bloquean la transmisión de la luz y proyectan una sombra mientras… … Diccionario de oftalmología
transillumination — n. process of making transparent; (Medicine) diaphanoscopy, examination of an organ or body cavity using a light through the tissues (for medical inspection) … English contemporary dictionary
transilluminations — n. process of making transparent; (Medicine) diaphanoscopy, examination of an organ or body cavity using a light through the tissues (for medical inspection) … English contemporary dictionary