afferent pathway

afferent pathway
афферентный путь

Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "afferent pathway" в других словарях:

  • afferent pathway — the nerve structures through which an impulse, especially a sensory impression, is conducted to the cerebral cortex; see also ascending tract and sensory tract, under tract …   Medical dictionary

  • sensory pathway — an afferent pathway that conducts impulses from the receptors in the sense organs to one of the primary receiving areas of the cerebral cortex; see also under tract …   Medical dictionary

  • Nigrostriatal pathway — The nigrostriatal pathway is a neural pathway that connects the substantia nigra with the striatum. It is one of the four major dopamine pathways in the brain, and is particularly involved in the production of movement, as part of a system called …   Wikipedia

  • Neural pathway — A neural pathway, neural tract, or neural face, connects one part of the nervous system with another and usually consists of bundles of elongated, myelin insulated neurons, known collectively as white matter. Neural pathways serve to connect… …   Wikipedia

  • Posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway — Originating in peripheral sensory receptors, the posterior column medial lemniscus pathway transmits fine touch and conscious proprioceptive information to the brain. Latin via column …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear chain fiber — A muscle spindle, with γ motor and Ia sensory fibers Latin myofibra catenaformis Code TH …   Wikipedia

  • Itch — For other uses, see Itch (disambiguation). Pruritus Classification and external resources A man trying to reach for an itch ICD 10 L …   Wikipedia

  • deafferentation — A loss of the sensory input from a portion of the body, usually caused by interruption of the peripheral sensory fibers. [L. de, from, + afferent] * * * de·af·fer·en·ta·tion .dē .af ə .ren tā shən n the freeing of a motor nerve from sensory… …   Medical dictionary

  • Dejerine-Roussy (Thalamic) Syndrome — Dejerine Roussy syndrome or thalamic pain syndrome is a condition developed after a thalamic stroke, a stroke causing damage to the thalamus. [1], [2]. This condition is not to be confused with Roussy Levy Syndrome , a genetic disorder [3], [4] …   Wikipedia

  • inhibitory postsynaptic potential — n increased negativity of the membrane potential of a neuron on the postsynaptic side of a nerve synapse that is caused by a neurotransmitter (as gamma aminobutyric acid) which renders the membrane selectively permeable to potassium and chloride… …   Medical dictionary

  • primary sensory neuron — a sensory neuron that is the first in an afferent pathway, beginning at the receptor and ending at a synapse with a secondary sensory neuron, often within a nucleus of the central nervous system. One common type is the pseudounipolar neuron …   Medical dictionary

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