- congenital nystagmus
врождённый нистагм
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
congenital nystagmus — congenital hereditary nystagmus nystagmus usually present at birth; it is most often horizontal and pendular, but occasionally jerky and pendular. It may be caused by or associated with optic atrophy, coloboma, albinism, bilateral macular lesions … Medical dictionary
Nystagmus — Horizontal optokinetic nystagmus, a normal (physiological) form of nystagmus ICD 10 H55, H81.4 … Wikipedia
Nystagmus — En médecine, le nystagmus est un mouvement d oscillation involontaire et saccadé du globe oculaire. Le nystagmus est une perturbation de la coordination des muscles de l œil. Il peut être causé par une pathologie, des mouvements très rapides ou l … Wikipédia en Français
nystagmus — nystagmic, adj. /ni stag meuhs/, n. a congenital or acquired persistent, rapid, involuntary, and oscillatory movement of the eyeball, usually from side to side. [1815 25; < NL < Gk nystagmós nodding, deriv. of nystázein to nod] * * * ▪ physiology … Universalium
Nystagmus — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 H55 Nystagmus und sonstige abnorme Augenbewegungen … Deutsch Wikipedia
nystagmus — [ nistagmys ] n. m. • nystagme 1839; gr. nustagmos, de nustazein « baisser la tête » ♦ Méd. Secousses rythmiques involontaires des globes oculaires, survenant le plus souvent dans le regard latéral, lors de circonstances physiologiques… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Congenital fourth nerve palsy — Classification and external resources Trochlear nerve ICD 10 H49.1 … Wikipedia
Nystagmus — Rapid rhythmic repetitious involuntary (unwilled) eye movements. Nystagmus can be horizontal, vertical or rotary. * * * Involuntary rhythmic oscillation of the eyeballs, either pendular or with a slow and fast component. [G. nystagmos, a nodding … Medical dictionary
nystagmus — n. rapid involuntary movements of the eyes that may be from side to side, up and down, or rotatory. Nystagmus may be congenital and associated with poor sight; it also occurs in disorders of the part of the brain responsible for eye movements and … The new mediacal dictionary
nystagmus-myoclonus — nys·tag·mus my·oc·lo·nus (nis tagґməs mi okґlə nəs) a rare congenital condition in which there is nystagmus together with abnormal involuntary movements of the extremities and trunk … Medical dictionary
Congenital achromatopsia — An hereditary disorder of vision characterized by a lack of cone vision (sight provided by the cone photoreceptors in the retina). People with achromatopsia (achromats) are completely or almost completely colorblind. They have poor visual acuity … Medical dictionary