- clear cornea
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Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Cornea — For other uses, see Cornea (disambiguation). Cornea Schematic diagram of the human eye. (Cornea labeled at center top.) … Wikipedia
Cornea — The clear front window of the eye. The cornea transmits and focuses light into the eye. The eye has a number of other components. These include the iris, pupil, lens, retina, macula, optic nerve and vitreous. The iris is the colored part of the… … Medical dictionary
clear corneal incision — a tiny incision off to the side in the clear part of the cornea for cataract extraction … Medical dictionary
Cataract surgery — Intervention Cataract in Human Eye Magnified view seen on examination with a slit lamp ICD 9 CM … Wikipedia
keratitis — Inflammation of the cornea. SEE ALSO: keratopathy. [kerato + G. itis, inflammation] actinic k. a reaction of the cornea to ultraviolet light. deep punctate k. sharply defined opacities in a … Medical dictionary
Glaucoma surgery — Glaucoma is a group of diseases affecting the optic nerve that results in vision loss and is frequently characterized by raised intraocular pressure (IOP). There are many glaucoma surgeries, and variations or combinations of those surgeries, that … Wikipedia
Karl Gustav Himly — (April 30, 1772 March 22, 1837) was a German surgeon and optician from Braunschweig. He studied medicine at the University of Würzburg under Karl Kaspar von Siebold (1736 1807), and at the University of Göttingen under August Gottlieb Richter… … Wikipedia
goniopuncture — An operation for congenital glaucoma in which a puncture is made in the filtration angle of the anterior chamber. * * * go·nio·punc·ture gō nē ə .pəŋ(k) chər n a surgical operation for congenital glaucoma that involves making a … Medical dictionary
lamellar graft — replacement of the superficial layers of an opaque cornea by a thin layer of clear cornea from a donor eye … Medical dictionary
eye, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction specialized sense organ capable of receiving visual images, which are then carried to the brain. Anatomy of the visual apparatus Structures auxiliary to the eye The orbit The eye is protected from mechanical injury… … Universalium
photoreception — photoreceptive, adj. /foh toh ri sep sheuhn/, n. the physiological perception of light. [1905 10; PHOTO + RECEPTION] * * * Biological responses to stimulation by light, most often referring to the mechanism of vision. In one celled organisms such … Universalium