- cataract extraction
экстракция катаракты
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
cataract extraction — surgical removal of a cataract from the eye. In extracapsular cataract extraction the cataract alone is removed, leaving the lens capsule behind to support the remaining lens tissue. Intracapsular cataract extraction is the removal of the whole… … Medical dictionary
cataract extraction — surgical removal of a cataract from the eye. In extracapsular cataract extraction the cataract alone is removed, leaving the lens capsule behind to support the synthetic lens implant. Intracapsular cataract extraction is the removal of the whole… … The new mediacal dictionary
cataract extraction extracapsular — the surgical removal of the anterior capsule of a cataractous lens and of the lens contents (cortex and nucleus) … Medical dictionary
cataract extraction intracapsular — the surgical removal of a cataractous lens and its capsule … Medical dictionary
Cataract surgery — Intervention Cataract in Human Eye Magnified view seen on examination with a slit lamp ICD 9 CM … Wikipedia
Cataract — For other uses, see Cataract (disambiguation). Cataract Classification and external resources Magnified view of cataract in human eye, seen on examination with a slit lamp using diffuse illumination … Wikipedia
Cataract — A clouding of the lens of the eye. The normally clear aspirin sized lens of the eye starts to become cloudy. The result is much like smearing grease over the lens of a camera. It impairs normal vision. There are many causes of cataracts including … Medical dictionary
cataract — n. any opacity in the lens of the eye that results in blurred vision. Cataracts may be congenital or acquired. The latter may be due to metabolic disease (such as diabetes), direct or indirect injury to the lens, or prolonged exposure of the eye… … The new mediacal dictionary
Катаракта (Cataract) — помутнение хрусталика глаза, приводящее к заметному ухудшению зрения. Наиболее распространена старческая катаракта (senile cataract), часто встречающаяся у пожилых людей; однако существуют и врожденные катаракты, а также катаракты, развивающиеся… … Медицинские термины
flap extraction — a cataract extraction by means of an incision that makes a flap of cornea … Medical dictionary
КАТАРАКТА — (cataract) помутнение хрусталика глаза, приводящее к заметному ухудшению зрения. Наиболее распространена старческая катаракта (senile cataract), часто встречающаяся у пожилых людей; однако существуют и врожденные катаракты, а также катаракты,… … Толковый словарь по медицине