- cannula
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Cannula — Can nu*la, n. [L. cannula a small tube of dim. of canna a reed, tube.] (Surg.) A small tube of metal, wood, or India rubber, used for various purposes, esp. for injecting or withdrawing fluids. It is usually associated with a trocar. [Written… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cannula — 1680s, from L. cannula small reed or pipe, dim. of canna reed, pipe (see CANE (Cf. cane)) … Etymology dictionary
Cannŭla — (lat.), 1) Röhrchen; 2) (Chir.), s. Canule … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
cannula — [kan′yo͞o lə, kan′yələ] n. pl. cannulae [kan′yo͞olē΄, kan′yəlē΄] or cannulas [L, dim. of canna: see CANE] a tube, usually with a trocar, for insertion into body cavities or ducts, as for drainage: cf. CATHETER … English World dictionary
Cannula — For other uses, see Cannula (disambiguation). A cannula (from Latin little reed ; plural cannulae) or canula is a tube that can be inserted into the body, often for the delivery or removal of fluid or for the gathering of data. In simple terms, a … Wikipedia
cannula — noun a) A tube inserted in the body to drain or inject fluid. b) A hose or tube that connects directly to an oxygen (O) bottle/source from the users nose, commonly used by aircraft pilots or others needing direct oxygen breathing apparatus. See… … Wiktionary
cannula — A tube that can be inserted into a cavity, usually by means of a trocar filling its lumen; after insertion of the c., the trocar is withdrawn and the c. remains as a channel for the transport of fluid. [L. dim. of canna, reed] Hasson c. a… … Medical dictionary
cannula — càn·nu·la s.f. TS med. tubicino di vario materiale e calibro, utilizzato spec. nella tecnica terapeutica e in chirurgia {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1491. ETIMO: dal lat. tardo cannŭla(m), dim. di canna canna … Dizionario italiano
cannula — n. a hollow tube designed for insertion into a body cavity, such as the bladder, or a blood vessel. The tube contains a sharp pointed solid core (trocar), which facilitates its insertion and is withdrawn when the cannula is in place … The new mediacal dictionary
cannula — kaniulė statusas Aprobuotas sritis talpyklės, uždoriai, vartojimo įtaisai apibrėžtis Vartojimo įtaisas – vamzdelis su kūginiu antgaliu puskietės farmacinės formos vaistiniams preparatams vartoti. atitikmenys: angl. cannula vok. Kanüle pranc.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
cannula — noun (plural las or cannulae) Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, diminutive of canna reed more at cane Date: 1684 a small tube for insertion into a body cavity or into a duct or vessel … New Collegiate Dictionary