computer tomography

computer tomography
<<сокр.>> CT
компьютерная томография (KT)

Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "computer tomography" в других словарях:

  • computer tomography — kompiuterinė tomografija statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Įvairiomis kryptimis peršviesto tiriamo erdvinio objekto vaizdų apdorojimas kompiuteriu siekiant gauti objekto sluoksnių vaizdus. atitikmenys: angl. computed… …   Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

  • tomography — [tə mäg′rə fē] n. 〚< Gr tomos, a piece cut off (see TOMY) + GRAPHY〛 a process for producing an image of a single plane of an object excluding all other planes, as by using CT SCAN or ULTRASOUND, in …   Universalium

  • Computer vision — is the field concerned with automated imaging and automated computer based processing of images to extract and interpret information. It is the science and technology of machines that see. Here see means the machine is able to extract information …   Wikipedia

  • Computer-aided diagnosis — Computer aided detection (CADe) and computer aided diagnosis (CADx) are procedures in medicine that assist doctors in the interpretation of medical images. Imaging techniques in X ray, MRI, and Ultrasound diagnostics yield a great deal of… …   Wikipedia

  • Computer-aided — or computer assisted is a prefix that hints to the use of a computer as an indispensable tool in a certain field, usually derived from more traditional fields of science and engineering. Instead of the prefix computer aided or computer assisted,… …   Wikipedia

  • Tomography — Basic principle of tomography: superposition free tomographic cross sections S1 and S2 compared with the projected image P Tomography refers to imaging by sections or sectioning, through the use of any kind of penetrating wave. A device used in… …   Wikipedia

  • tomography — Making of a radiographic image of a selected plane by means of reciprocal linear or curved motion of the x ray tube and film cassette; images of all other planes are blurred (“out of focus”) by being relatively displaced on the film. SYN:… …   Medical dictionary

  • Computer-Tomographie — 16 Zeilen Multidetektor CT Bedienkonsole eines 16 Zeilen Multidetektor CT Die Computertomographie (von altgr.  …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tomography, computerized — Pictures of structures within the body created by a computer that takes the data from multiple X ray images and turns them in pictures. The computerized tomography (CT) scan can reveal some soft tissue and other structures that cannot be seen in… …   Medical dictionary

  • Tomography, computerized axial — Pictures of structures within the body created by a computer that takes the data from multiple X ray images and turns them in pictures. The CAT (computerized axial tomography) scan can reveal some soft tissue and other structures that cannot be… …   Medical dictionary

  • computer-assisted tomography. — See computerized axial tomography. * * * …   Universalium

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