<<сокр. от>> magnetic resonance imagingмагнитно-резонанснaя томография (МРТ)
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
MRI — MRI аббревиатура, которая расшифровывается несколькими способами: англ. Magnetic resonance imaging магнитно резонансная томография англ. Magneto rotational instability магниторотационная неустойчивость. Также коды:… … Википедия
MRI — [ˌem a:r ˈaı] n medical 1.) [U] magnetic resonance imaging the process of using strong ↑magnetic fields to make a picture of the inside of someone s body for medical reasons →↑CTscan, X ray ↑X ray 2.) a picture of the inside of someone s body… … Dictionary of contemporary English
MRI — MRI; mri·dan·ga; mri·dan·gam; … English syllables
MRI — steht für: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, ein bildgebendes Verfahren zur Darstellung der Gewebestrukturen im Körperinneren, siehe Magnetresonanztomographie Magnetorotationsinstabilität Mauritius, entsprechend dem olympischen Länderkürzel für den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
MRI — [ ,em ar aı ] noun uncount magnetic resonance imaging: a way of producing images of the organs inside your body, or a medical test done using this method … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
MRI — (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) diagnostic technique which uses a magnetic field and radio waves to provide computerized images of internal body tissues (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
MRI — [em΄ar΄ī′] n. [m(agnetic) r(esonance) i(maging)] a noninvasive diagnostic procedure that produces the image of a cross section of an object: see NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE … English World dictionary
MRI — noun the use of nuclear magnetic resonance of protons to produce proton density images • Syn: ↑magnetic resonance imaging • Hypernyms: ↑imaging, ↑tomography • Hyponyms: ↑functional magnetic resonance imaging, ↑fMRI … Useful english dictionary
MRI — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français
MRI — [[t]e̱m ɑːr aɪ[/t]] N UNCOUNT MRI is a method by which medical staff can get a picture of soft parts inside a patient s body, using a powerful magnetic field. MRI is an abbreviation for magnetic resonance imaging … English dictionary
MRI — Magnetic resonance imaging. A procedure in which radio waves and a powerful magnet linked to a computer are used to create detailed pictures of areas inside the body. These pictures can show the difference between normal and diseased tissue. MRI… … English dictionary of cancer terms