<<сокр. от>> intraocular lensинтраокулярная линза (ИOЛ)
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
IOL — may mean:* Chartered Institute of Linguists * Induction of labour * Intraocular lens * Iol, the ancient city in modern Algeria * Israel Online * Ireland On Line * Independent Online (South Africa) * The University of New Hampshire… … Wikipedia
IOL — steht für: Intraokularlinse Institute of Linguists Institut für Organischen Landbau Infekt der oberen Luftwege Iol ist auch der punische Name des antiken Caesarea in Mauretanien nahe der algerischen Stadt Cherchell … Deutsch Wikipedia
IOL — Numidiaeurbs, olim Mesgana a conditove: quae postea Colonia Caesarea, teste Plin. l. 5. c. 2. Strab. l. 17. p. 831. dicta est: urbs Mauritaniae Caes. metropolis et regia, egregie munita. Vulgo Alger, et incolis Geizeir, teste Lud. Marmolio. Baudr … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Iol — Iol, phönik. Kolonie, s. Cäsarea 4) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
IOL — Iniciales de IntraOcular Lens, lentes intraoculares Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010 … Diccionario médico
iol — Mot Monosíl·lab Nom masculí … Diccionari Català-Català
IOL — (Israel On Line) Internet portal and search engine in Hebrew (Computers) … English contemporary dictionary
Iol — Cherchell Cherchell شرشال Port de Cherchell. Géographie Pays … Wikipédia en Français
IOL — noun a clear plastic lens that is implanted in the eye; usually done when the natural lens has been removed in a cataract operation • Syn: ↑lens implant, ↑interocular lens implant • Hypernyms: ↑implant • Hyponyms: ↑accommodating lens implant, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Iol — ▪ ancient city, Algeria modern Cherchell , or Sharshal ancient seaport of Mauretania, located west of what is now Algiers in Algeria. Iol was originally founded as a Carthaginian trading station, but it was later renamed Caesarea and… … Universalium
IOL — • Input/Output Library • Ireland On Line kommerzieller irischer Internet Provider http://www.iol.ie/ … Acronyms