- Zinn, zonule of
зонула Цинна
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Zonule de Zinn — La zonule de Zinn (membrane Zinn, zonule ciliaire) est un anneau de torons fibreux reliant le corps ciliaire avec le cristallin de l œil. La zonule de Zinn est divisé en deux couches: une mince couche qui tapisse la fosse hyaloïde, et une couche… … Wikipédia en Français
Zonule of Zinn — Schematic diagram of the human eye. (Zonular fibers labeled at upper left.) … Wikipedia
zonule of Zinn — tsin n the suspensory ligament of the crystalline lens of the eye called also ciliary zonule, zonula, zonula ciliaris J. G. Zinn see … Medical dictionary
zonule — A small zone. SYN: zonula. ciliary z. [TA] a series of delicate meridional fibers arising from the inner surface of the orbiculus ciliaris that run in bundles between, and in a very thin layer over, the ciliary processes; at the inner borde … Medical dictionary
Zinn — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Patronyme En tant que patronyme, Zinn peut renvoyer aux personnes suivantes : Elfi Zinn (1953 ), athlète est allemande ; Fred Zinn, aviateur… … Wikipédia en Français
zonule — zonula; n. (in anatomy) a small band or zone; for example the zonule of Zinn (zonula ciliaris) is the suspensory ligament of the eye. Derivatives: zonular adj … The new mediacal dictionary
zonule of zinn — ˈtsin Usage: usually capitalized 2d Z Etymology: after Johann G. Zinn died 1759 German physician and botanist : the suspensory ligament of the crystalline lens of the eye … Useful english dictionary
Zinn — Johann G., German anatomist, 1727–1759. See Z. artery, Z. vascular circle, Z. corona, Z. ligament, Z. membrane, Z. ring, Z. tendon, Z. zonule … Medical dictionary
ciliary zonule — n ZONULE OF ZINN * * * lens zonule, zonule of Zinn zonula ciliaris … Medical dictionary
Annulus of Zinn — Rectus muscles: 2 = superior, 3 = inferior, 4 = medial, 5 = lateral Oblique muscles: 6 = superior, 8 = inferior Other muscle: 9 = levator palpebrae superioris … Wikipedia
Johann Gottfried Zinn — (December 6 1727 April 6 1759), was a German anatomist and botanist member of the Berlin Academy Biography Johann Gottfried Zinn was born in Schwabach.Considering his short life span, Zinn made a great contribution to the study of anatomy. In his … Wikipedia