- watershed area
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Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Watershed area (medical) — Watershed area is the medical term referring to regions of the body that receive dual blood supply from the most distal branches of two large arteries, such as the splenic flexure of the large intestine. During times of blockage of one of the… … Wikipedia
watershed area — any of several areas over the convexities of the cerebral or cerebellar hemispheres, distant from the circle of Willis, where the vascular beds of two cerebral arteries meet and form anastomoses. At times of prolonged systemic hypotension, these… … Medical dictionary
Watershed — NOTOC Watershed may refer to: * Watershed, drainage divide (non American usage) * Watershed, drainage basin (North American usage) * Watershed (algorithm), an algorithm used in image processing * Watershed area (medical), an area with overlapping … Wikipedia
watershed — /waw teuhr shed , wot euhr /, n. 1. Chiefly Brit. the ridge or crest line dividing two drainage areas; water parting; divide. 2. the region or area drained by a river, stream, etc.; drainage area. 3. Archit. wash (def. 48). 4. an important point… … Universalium
watershed — 1. The area of marginal blood flow at the extreme periphery of a vascular bed. 2. Slopes in the abdominal cavity, formed by projections of the lumbar vertebrae and the pelvic brim that determine the direction in which a free … Medical dictionary
watershed infarction — cerebral infarction in a watershed area (q.v.) during a time of prolonged systemic hypotension … Medical dictionary
Watershed management — is the process of creating and implementing plans, programs, and projects to sustain and enhance watershed functions that affect the plant, animal, and human communities within a watershed boundary. [… … Wikipedia
watershed — ► NOUN 1) an area or ridge of land that separates waters flowing to different rivers, basins, or seas. 2) a turning point in a state of affairs. 3) Brit. the time after which programmes that are unsuitable for children are broadcast on television … English terms dictionary
watershed — [wôt′ərshed΄] n. 1. a ridge or stretch of high land dividing the areas drained by different rivers or river systems ☆ 2. the area drained by a river or river system 3. a crucial turning point affecting action, opinion, etc … English World dictionary
Watershed Park — Infobox park park=Watershed Park image size=300px caption= type=Municipal (Olympia) location=Olympia, Washington coordinates= size=117.5 acres opened=1956 operator= annual visitors= status=Open all yearThe Watershed Park is a public park located… … Wikipedia
watershed — [[t]wɔ͟ːtə(r)ʃed[/t]] watersheds 1) N COUNT: usu sing, oft N in n If something such as an event is a watershed in the history or development of something, it is very important because it represents the beginning of a new stage in it. The election … English dictionary